Awakening or Just Wake Up?

The Awakening and Reformation Tour

Already in process:

Dutch Sheets and Lou Engle bringing the Awakening and Reformation Tour. Sounds like rock and roll to me – TOUR, or a little Rodney Howard Browne.

More taking the seven mountains of influence for the Kingdom of God

Revival and spiritual awakening is not enough. We must reform the seven mountains of our society and culture (family, religion, government, business, education, arts and entertainment, media). In light of this, awakening, reformation, and generational synergy to accomplish a greater goal must be joined. God has asked us to marry them in a series of public gatherings. That plan is now clearly defined and in place.

More twisting scripture to say something other than what it does to convince others to join in:

The Blog: The lord gave us a plan called the 747 Company. He showed us how in first Kings 18 He showed Elijah that there were 7,000 people that hadn’t bowed there knee to Ba’al. We believe that there are 7,000 people who will help us and support us as we go into many different cities in the nation and light fires of awakening and sow seeds of reformation. We are simply asking for 7,000 people to commit to giving 7 dollars a month in support of the Awakening and Reformation tour.  (I don’t see the connection between those who would not bow their knee to a false god and those who are willing to give cold hard cash to a cause.  By all means let’s use the number 7 to make it sound more divine and convincing!)

No one really knew that Jesus was on the scene when John started saying, “Repent, the kingdom of heaven is in your midst.” But God needed someone to announce it. And when we begin to announce and decree these things it does something in the realm of the spirit. It creates an atmosphere that allows God to do what He’s getting ready to do.

So now we need to create an atmosphere to ALLOW God to do what He wants.  More word of faith, speak -things – into- existence garbage repackaged again.

Does anyone really listen to these words to see if the Almighty would really speak them?  We don’t need an awakening. We need to kick these false teachers out of their kingdoms. Wake up, Wake up!

See also: kingdoms

No one really knew that Jesus was on the scene when John started saying, “Repent, the kingdom of heaven is in your midst.” But God needed someone to announce it. And when we begin to announce and decree these things it does something in the realm of the spirit. It creates an atmosphere that allows God to do what He’s getting ready to do.

22 thoughts on “Awakening or Just Wake Up?

  1. Did they really say God has asked us to marry all that stuff in a series of public gatherings? How adulteress if so! Right when i think things seem to be calming down jsut a bit with these people, they start back up! They need to just go awaaaay!


    • Yes, marry them together, I think in reference to the 7 mountains of influence as tho the world is going to be taken over by this reformation to establish a greater goal. Sound familiar? And of course, it begins with the youth and spreads from there. Jesus called grown men, none of them youth.

      I’m still hung on Dutch’s comment on Ba’al. He seems to be popping off references of the false god quite often and for several years now, maybe longer. Who is Ba’al to our God? our Jesus? And where is He in this. I hope their plans fail and the truth in this craziness is revealed to all their followers. I’m so tired of these private mandates…


    • I know. It’s like a virus that has spread throughout Christianity. Do they know how much they sound like witches and new agers? Jesus never taught us anything about decreeing or how to change the atmosphere, or even worse, that it needed to be changed so that He can be God and do God things. Ugh. It’s so 2nd grade simple, isn’t it?


  2. I was hopeful for Sheets, too. Until I read in a letter he said something about doctrine being determined in the Lakeland “revival.”


    • Was that the 3 page letter he sent out – I wasn’t involved, but here’s my wishy-washy-apology- response – 2 cents worth letter…??? Doctrine, huh? Doctrine of demons. What is the matter with these men in that they commend one to the other in their lies? Not one of them can stand up for the truth.


      • Probably same letter. The one I am referring to was called “A Statement and Appeal Regarding Lakeland” and dated August 21, 2008.

        Seventh paragraph he states “Doctrine and
        foundations will be built on these events (Lakeland revivial). Teachings and paradigms for future ministries will be formed—in short, the next generation of the church and the move of God in the earth could be greatly impacted.”


  3. That ‘send in 7 dollars’ angle pulls on people’s desire to be special. You know, prove you’re one of the 7000 who haven’t bowed to Ba’al by sending in your money. Same thing happens all the time. ‘Come to so-and-so conference so you won’t miss out, be a part of the big deal revival, be on the cutting edge, be a part of what God is doing’ etc.

    $7 x 7,000 = $49,000 per MONTH!!! Why does it cost so much to go to cities and preach the gospel?


  4. Re: “Revival and spiritual awakening is not enough. We must reform the seven mountains of our society and culture (family, religion, government, business, education, arts and entertainment, media). In light of this, awakening, reformation, and generational synergy to accomplish a greater goal must be joined. God has asked us to marry them in a series of public gatherings. That plan is now clearly defined and in place.”
    A ‘marriage ceremony’? Who is getting married to whom, or to what? This type of stuff should be filed under the ‘goo goo’ category, where people are handed over to stupidity but think that they are doing something important for God, they get a false sense of their own importance. It has the appearance of wisdom, but it’s foolish, and meaningless, bcos it denies that the message of the Cross is the power of God:

    1Co 1:18 For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us who are saved it is the power of God.

    Gal 6:14 But God forbid that I should glory, except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.


  5. Pingback: We must reform the seven mountains of our society and culture?? «

  6. Ian, it is like you said on another post. These are RITUALS having nothing to do with the true Kingdom of God. They are very much into “look at me/us and what I/we do for God.


  7. Yes, and when evangelical ‘christians’ begin attributing spiritual ‘power’ to rituals, then you know that full-blown apostasy is at the door, they’re reunited with the ‘mother’, Rome. This is what is happening in the ‘Emergent’ movement.


  8. Pingback: Funding The Third… whatevertheycallit « m'kayla's korner

  9. True confidence in God and the promises of Jesus Christ to the redeemed always look like arrogance to the insecure.

    I see a lot more “look at the truly enlightened me/us and what I/we are saying and doing for God” on these negative blogs that are so hatefully accusing fellow followers of Jesus and ministires around the globe. When we have a ministry that is bringing thousands to Jesus, and the signs Jesus promised are following us believers as we preach (“they shall speak with new tongues, cast out devils, heal the sick, raise the dead”), then we can hotly accuse our peers who display a similiar commitment and courage for ministry and love for the unchurched and the Body of Christ. It doesn’t take any courage to write a hateful blog on the internet because we don’t like doctrine that has gone largely unchallenged since the Dark Ages until recent decades….but which more closely matches the promises and experiences of Christ, the disciples’ and the church in the book of Acts.

    Personal bad experiences do not negate or diminish truth or revelation. People can be very right with what they believe and still be subject to sinful temptation – many of you here sound like you’ve been hurt by the bad character of some Jesus people. Spiritual abuse happens in every denomination and in every movement, I’ve experienced it in every denomination I’ve been in (Baptist, Church of God, Foursquare, Assembly of God…). So many times personal offenses begin to dominate a heart to the degree that the victim can no longer see what God sees or what God is saying or doing….and these blogs sound like they are coming from wounded warriors. I’m not sure I can continue to read them, they hurt my heart so as I see things taken out of context, false accusations, and evil mean things said about fellow followers of Jesus who are seeing thousands come to Jesus, many bodies being healed by His love, and revival in villages and towns in third worlds, influencing even the culture of nations for the better (as we are suppossed to – turn the world upside down!) Oh the disparagement of words being used as a foundation to accuse in these blogs – it is shameful, to say the least, and my heart is so very saddened. Just another proof of how broken the church is…but Jesus came to heal us all, to unite us, to explain what He is doing, and to prove where He is moving by what He does – the works that He does by the Father’s hand through simple, ordinary, avaiable believers: healing, saving, delivering, free-ing.

    Beware, my friends, of spending more time on the internet criticizing and debating that out in the marketplace loving your neighbors and bringing them to Jesus. You will stand before God to give account for every careless word that you have spoken (or spoken by the written word!).


    • Why do you speak badly of the truth that is being exposed here, and those who expose it in one breath and in the next call us “friends”. Will you not tire from posting the same words over and over?

      I am not shameful, nor is your heart truly saddened. What silliness, really, words without meaning or context! You condemn me for speaking badly of others and yet you turn and do exactly the same thing again and again with each and every post. You have contributed nothing of value, nothing to show what we speak of here is biblically inaccurate. You are speaking out of nothing but subjective experience, knowing full well the people and teachings you are so fond of do not accomplish what they claim. You know it as well as I because you live it as I once did.

      I assure you – what I have encountered has nothing to do with bad character of others in a personal way. It has all been out of wrong teaching by those who twist and confuse the true teaching of the word of God. Those who claim to know the word, yet do not, and those who follow along with them, support them, side with them, yet don’t bother to question anything that is said by them. This is the reason the church is in the mess that it is. Most people won’t bother to question leaders and are fearful for the rejection it brings. But, when we do expose them, we are counted worthless in the kingdom for doing exactly what the word says to do, which is to expose false teachers and prophets.

      I, and those who contribute here are not merely victims or wounded warriors. How silly. We have compared the truth of the word with the liars of the false teachings, false prophetic, etc., and found them severely lacking. Again, you may want to open your bible and compare their teachings, their prophecies, etc with the with words of God as I have done. Then we will have common ground for a worthy discussion. Why does the bible say???

      You warn people here of carelessness? Are you kidding? In light of who and what you follow, those who endorse and use occult practices and teachings calling it biblical truth – people like Todd Bentley and John Paul Jackson and Bob Jones. These men are liars, charlatans, who have perverted true biblical supernatural experiences of Godly men and used them for personal gain. Don’t think so? Who in the bible ever went to heaven to just hang out there? Supernatural experiences are given by God for repentance of the people. But, these false prophets don’t like that word -repentance – much, do they? No. It’s all about the flesh. Do some reading in your bible and see if this is not true.


  10. Revival and spiritual awakening is not enough. We must reform the seven mountains of our society and culture (family, religion, government, business, education, arts and entertainment, media). In light of this, awakening, reformation, and generational synergy to accomplish a greater goal must be joined. God has asked us to marry them in a series of public gatherings. That plan is now clearly defined and in place.

    Have you even read what transformations of society have happened when families, or villages, or cities or nations have experienced spiritual revival? There are cities and villages today that have experienced pockets of absolute transformation – where taverns close down, prostitutes vanish, poverty is diminished and the poor begin to prosper! Cursed soil begins to produce bountiful harvests, the occurences of sickness and diseases diminish! Families stay together, drunkenness and drug addiction all but vanish! This has happened throughout church history in pockets of civilization where revival has occured! Why we’re told even in the OLD Testament that God will remove the iniquity and guilt of a land in a single day! (Zech 3:9) There is nothing impossible with God and He loves the nations, and has sent us to heal the nations!

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with invading the earth with heaven’s good news and the power of Jesus Christ to take all facets of the culture into captivity to God’s love! There is nothing we can take with us when we die except souls – and saved souls in large numbers transform every facet of society! It is the highest hope of every believer to bring Jesus to as many as will come – and to every corner of the culture – all seven of them! Why is this so offensive to evangelicals to want to evangelize the world?! It is simply another way of saying the same thing – you just don’t like the symbolism. Wow have you read Revelation? Have you read the dreams God gave to His people in both the old and new testaments? Have you read Zechariah, Ezekiel? The whole Bible is full of prophetic crazy symbolism, numbers, dreams. Why a dream even changed theology in the book of Acts – one dream after Peter fasted, changed the theology of the Jews to go to the Gentiles and to accept them in the Church…and, to make it okay again to eat non-kosher foods – the symbol was both literal AND spiritual – and the Jews finally got it because they SPOKE spiritual symbolism and they BELIEVED in dreams and visions. Thank God because if they had not, if they would by no means have changed how they thought because of one man’s vision after fasting for a week on his roof, then we as Gentiles would never have heard the Word of the Lord! If Joseph had only thoughy, “well I probably had that dream last night about the angel that came to Mary and told her she was going to give birth to the Messiah, because Mary told me about her alleged ‘visitation’ yesterday” and dismissed his dream, Mary would have been all alone to carry Christ in her womb and give birth without the assistance of her husband! Joseph was a Jew so of course he believed God speaks in dreams, visions, symbolism – Jews understand the languages of God that never change. Only cessationists who developed a non-supernatural explanation for their own lack of power in ministry in the later centuries decided, in that same lack, that dreams and symbols and all that “prophetic stuff” is wrong. Now you, my friends, are doing the same thing. How boring. The life of the Spirit was intended to be an adventure, fun, and exploration, mysteries revealed and borne witness to by the same Spirit that gave them! I am so sorry for all of you who would cut out or cut off members of the body of Christ that offend you, if you had your way. The good news is that we are ALL members of His body, and every good thing, every revelation, ever prophecy, every dream, every vision, every plan authored by the Holy Spirit will stand, will bring multiplication of the gospel and of His Kingdom. Beware of the spirit of guile and of judgment…it is rampant in this blog. Lord help, Lord forgive.


    • Again, I am not debating the truth in dreams and visions – the ones in the word, but the ones claimed by false prophets and such. There is a difference in the two. Just because a person has an experience does not mean it is of God. The funny thing is the big dream guru JPJ can’t even tell you how to tell the difference as he takes your money in exchange for such training. He just sells his stuff, looking important in large gatherings. Take a really good look because latest teachings rid themselves of anything resembling the cross. Its all about experience and me, me, me – gotta get some. It is sick and twisted having nothing to do with the real purposes of God.

      Revival is about repentance, not experience. Not falling down or laughing hysterically or buzzing with electricity or being told how wonderfully gifted we are to accomplish our destinies or how anointed for such a time as this…blah, blah. The kingdom of God is not about this world. It is not about conquering the influences of the 7 mountains of society. It is about recognizing the need for a savior and living from that perspective. We will never take the world in the way these guys claim. It is extra biblical. At first glace it sound good, it sounds right. But it is not the way. Preach the gospel, yes, and I do it here. Many of us do it. But that is a huge leap in what they guys claim as the latest mandate or call or whatever. Huge.

      There is no spirit of guile or judgment in my blog.


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