Wearable Circuit Boards – Woe

The things we used to watch as kids, labeled as sci-fi entertainment and probably impossible have become today’s realities.  I believe some things are worth looking into.

Revelation 13:16  And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, 17 and he provides that no one should be able to buy or to sell except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for the number is that of a man; and his number is six hundred and sixty six.

If you still think the prophesied mark of the beast and it’s warnings is from an old dusty book written for crazies, you may want to rethink that. There is a system setting up which has always been, one that is great and against God, against His Son and all things Holy. This is why our society has become so self-absorbed, more and more are against Christians, keeping prayer out of the schools and bible reading out of the workplace. This is why so many politicians come in the name of Christ, yet do unGodly things. Our world is becoming Godless, and America who was once known as a Christian nation no longer is. We see its preachers trading the truth of the gospel for fame and fortune, more willing to be well known by the masses than to be known by the name of Christ. America is so star-struck that the followers of these pastors don’t even see it right before their own eyes.

People laugh and think it’s no big deal to mark, tattoo and pierce the body, but the growth in popularity and its acceptance is a desensitizing process taking place. We are moving toward a cashless society at a great pace and one day it will not be so hard to accept an implant or a tattoo, or even a circuit board for ease in making purchases. We’ve already seen the technology of digital tattoos for healthcare. (see below) Consider Leviticus 19:28 You shall not make any cuts in your body for the dead, nor make any tattoo marks on yourselves; I am the Lord. When He said “I am the Lord” it brings an implication that this practice involves worship or dedication of the self to another god. That was His warning. With a little research, this can be proved as we see so many other cultures doing this very thing. After all, that pierced nose with the ring through it originated from somewhere. You may laugh and say it does not matter that your tattoo is not to another god. Well, the Lord did not give you room for reason, He already said that’s what you would be doing.

We see a great unrest in the middle east, one that we have not seen before. Our world has great problems of hunger and disease, debt, terrorism – situations that cannot be solved through mankind. But there is a ruler coming that will claim ability to end all these things and he will be given the ability to bring about a peace for a time – 3 1/2 years. During that time the public will become so grateful to him they will actually worship and bow down to him. It will become a required practice and those who do not will be put to death. Taking the mark bearing his name will also be required of all people throughout the world- talk about loss of freedom. And those who take it will forever commit themselves to him. Those who do not will be put to death. Many will mistake him early on for Christ because they did not bother to learn the scriptures but remained proud in their lives and in their sin and did not repent of it. They chose to not listen to the warnings.

The real King is coming and He is Christ, the Messiah who laid down His life in place of yours. He is the one who will overthrow this coming world ruler who is all things false, an imposter of the real God.

Revelation 22:13 Behold I am coming quickly and My reward is with me, to render to every man according to what he has done. 13 I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end.

Listen to the warnings and the next time you see something like this on the news or the next time a character in a movie is given an implant, it may strike you differently, and be a little less cool.

John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Digital Tats

Thanks to: http://justworshiphm.blogspot.com/2011/09/mark-of-beast.html

Digital Tats…

There is a reason for the mass love of tattoos going on in our culture. There is a reason God told us not to do such a thing. (I didn’t listen either.) The day is coming when anyone who wants to buy or sell, eat, cash their paycheck, etc. will be required to take a “mark”. It is in worship of the beast, just as tattooing which came from other cultures is done as worship of their gods. The technology has been around for a while, but this tat with the use of an i-phone grabbed my attention. Yes, I love technology too, but we are being de-sensitized to accept everything that comes along. We will do will to think twice about the next thing that takes permanent residence on or under our skin. There will be no mistaking of the mark. It will be survival and will be in worship of the anti-Christ. Put your trust in God today. Salvation is found in Jesus Christ only.
Revelation 13:16-17 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Digital Tattoo Gets Under Your Skin to Monitor Blood

Bioengineering doctoral student Kate Balaconis shines the iPhone reader against her tattooless arm.

Maybe tattoos aren’t just for Harley riders or rebellious teens after all. In a few years, diabetics might get inked up with digital tats that communicate with an iPhone to monitor their blood.

Instead of the dye used for tribal arm bands and Chinese characters, these tattoos will contain nanosensors that read the wearer’s blood levels of sodium, glucose and even alcohol with the help of an iPhone 4 camera.

Dr. Heather Clark, associate professor of pharmaceutical sciences at Northeastern University, is leading the research on the subdermal sensors. She said she was reminded of the benefits of real-time, wearable health monitoring when she entered a marathon in Vermont: If they become mass-produced and affordable for the consumer market, wireless devices worn on the body could tell you exactly what medication you need whenever you need it.

“I had no idea how much to drink, or when,” said Clark, reflecting on her marathon run. “Or if I should have Gatorade instead.”

Clark’s technology could spell out the eventual demise of the painful finger pricks required for blood tests — assuming users have an iPhone, which Northeastern bioengineering grad student Matt Dubach has customized to read light from the tiny sensors to collect and output data.

Here’s how it works: A 100-nanometer-wide set of sensors go under the skin, like tattoo ink — as for the size, “You can spot it if you’re looking for it,” Clark says. The sensors are encased in an oily agent to ensure the whole contraption stays together.

Within the implant, certain nanoparticles will bind exclusively to specific blood contents, like sodium or glucose. Thanks to an additive that makes the particles charge neutral, the presence of a target triggers an ion release, which manifests as a florescence change. The process is detailed in an article published in the journal Integrative Biology.

Dubach designed the iPhone 4 attachment to use the phone’s camera to read the color shift and translate the results into quantifiable data. A plastic ring surrounding the lens blocks out ambient light while a battery-powered blue LED contrasts with the sensors. The software uses the iPhone camera’s built-in RGB filters to process the light reflected off the sensors.

Why blue? Initial trials with lights that projected other colors were hindered by Apple’s built-in optical filter, but blue light uses the iPhone’s built-in RGB setup to process the data accurately. That blue light, powered by a 9-volt battery attached to the phone, works with the sensors’ red-shifted florescence because red shines well through skin.

As of now, the data collected with the iPhone still requires processing through a secondary machine, but Duboch says using the iPhone to do all the work is not far off, and that an app is likely on the way.

Clark hopes to see the work of an entire clinical analyzer done by nanoparticles interacting with smartphones, which would mean a major step forward for personalized medicine. Diabetics and athletes alike could adapt and measure their own statistics without dependence on big, pricey, exclusive medical equipment.

The testing is still in early stages, and hasn’t been tried on humans yet. Research on mice, who have comparatively thinner skin than humans, has shown promising results.

Readings of blood concentrations show up like this, with different colors indicating different sodium concentrations. Photo Courtesy of Matt Dubach.

When Apple’s next iPhone comes out, the project will benefit, said Dubach, citing rumors that the iPhone 5 will include a more powerful camera sensor.

“I’m holding out for the iPhone 5,” Dubach said. “More megapixels gives you more for the average,” meaning the higher-resolution camera provides more data for analysis. Even bioengineers are waiting for Steve Jobs’ next move.

The technology is still years off, but Clark and Dubach’s developments are bringing medicine closer to a time when diagnostics are minimally invasive. Real-time feedback through subdermal circuits and smartphone cameras means you could know exactly when to slug that water.

Researchers tested the iPhone attachment on this plate reader, which determines the nanosensors’ response to the reader. Photo courtesy of Matt Dubach

Alexander George is ambivalent about his New Jersey provenance. He currently lives in San Francisco and writes for WIRED.