In Memory of David Wilkerson

David Wilkerson was killed in an auto accident today in Texas.

His last blog today, April 27.
WHEN ALL MEANS FAIL by David Wilkerson | April 27, 2011

To believe when all means fail is exceedingly pleasing to God and is most acceptable. Jesus said to Thomas, “You have believed because you have seen, but blessed are those that do believe and have not seen” (John 20:29).

Blessed are those who believe when there is no evidence of an answer to prayer—who trust beyond hope when all means have failed.

Someone has come to the place of hopelessness—the end of hope—the end of all means. A loved one is facing death and doctors give no hope. Death seems inevitable. Hope is gone. The miracle prayed for is not happening.

That is when Satan’s hordes come to attack your mind with fear, anger, overwhelming questions: “Where is your God now? You prayed until you had no tears left. You fasted. You stood on promises. You trusted.”

Blasphemous thoughts will be injected into your mind: “Prayer failed. Faith failed. Don’t quit on God—just do not trust him anymore. It doesn’t pay!”

Even questioning God’s existence will be injected into your mind. These have been the devices of Satan for centuries. Some of the godliest men and women who ever lived were under such demonic attacks.

To those going through the valley and shadow of death, hear this word: Weeping will last through some dark, awful nights—and in that darkness you will soon hear the Father whisper, “I am with you. I cannot tell you why right now, but one day it will all make sense. You will see it was all part of my plan. It was no accident. It was no failure on your part. Hold fast. Let me embrace you in your hour of pain.”

Beloved, God has never failed to act but in goodness and love. When all means fail—his love prevails. Hold fast to your faith. Stand fast in his Word. There is no other hope in this world.

His Church, Times Square, NY

Pastor David Wilkerson

Pastor David Wilkerson

It is with deepest of sadness that we have to inform you of the sudden passing of Reverend David Wilkerson, our founding pastor.

As the details of the family’s wishes are made known we will relay them to you on this website.

There will be a memorial service at Times Square Church at a date yet to be determined. It will be streamed live to give an opportunity for all to participate.

Pastor David Wilkerson’s was a life fully given for the glory of God and souls of men. He was greatly loved and he will be greatly missed.

Our prayers are with the family and we as a church body are committed to standing with them at this time of sorrow.

Pastor Carter Conlon

P.S. Please do not call the church as we will be inundated with calls. For more information, please refer back to this website.

21 thoughts on “In Memory of David Wilkerson

  1. Has made me so sad. So very sad. Awwwww God! How I loved this man! The last of his kind in preaching the cross, holiness, fear of the Lord and repentence.


  2. It is with great sorrow to hear this news. The Wilkerson’s are so beloved and have been such a bright light of God’s love and truth. Our prayers are with the family.


  3. This is really sad. Despite his questionable “prophecies”, Wilkerson was one of the few high-profile Pentecostal leaders who had personal integrity and a commitment to truth and the Bible. His passing leaves a huge hole that will be hard to fill. The Church on earth is a poorer place now.


  4. I just cannot believe he is gone! I received his daily devotionals…he had such an impact on my life. He always spoke truth even if it meant stepping on toes. Makes one wonder if God took him now to spare him of what’s coming on the earth…don’t know…


  5. I too received his daily devotions. They always touched me where I was and encouraged me. I emailed him once after reading one of his devotions and talked to him about my cancer relapse. He emailed me back with a short note. It wasn’t someone else as he talked to me about his wifes cancer and how she was healed. I was so touched that he would take the time from his busy life to answer me. I started reading his books 33 years ago when I first got saved and years ago volunteered a short time at a Teen Challenge in our city. He was a voice many nowdays wouldn’t like hearing. He will be greatly missed.


  6. Someone mentioned “questionable prophecies”:

    As far as i’m aware there are three separate prophecies he made where the event didn’t happen in the time frame he said it would.

    And, one of these (stockmarket crash for 2000) he later admitted he was listening to his fears and not to God, and apologized.

    Much he has prophesied has already been fulfilled.

    But i think everything he has prophesied WILL happen in God’s time.


  7. But i think everything he has prophesied WILL happen in God’s time.

    And, i think this fact over-shadows the fact that he missed it three times with the date-setting, and it speaks to us, that setting-dates may be adding to what God has revealed.

    I can’t think of anything he said, concerning coming judgments, that won’t happen in time.


    • Dito, for those who question David, read, “America’s Last Call.” He warned us of many things including this ecomonic mess we are in and many today still do not want to hear it! It messes up their theology! Most of what David preached messed up a lot of people’s wrong theology. I too believe we will see the things he prophesied come to pass. A Great man of God has finished the race and is now basking in “His Marvelous Light!” Can’t wait!!!


        • Yes, I will do my best to elaborate a little but first I must preface it with the fact that I believe that the way is narrow and few find it. Therefore when the Lord tells me that “ Christians will HEAP to themselves teachers who will tickle their ears, my spiritual discerner is alerted that this is talking about people who are heading down that wide road to destruction. I am alerted to the fact that I need to ask God who these teachers are so that, if I have sat under their teaching, I can repent, turn the other way, and seek God to show me everything I have received into my mind and heart that is wrong and then show me the truth. Fortunately for us, God gives us great clues. If I am honest about this, the ones they are heaping to themselves are the ones who are popular, so the popular ones are a real good place to start looking and questioning. I was raised in the Charismatic, Pentecostal, WOF circles and bought into all of it, hook line and sinker until God began to break through with the truth, that even though we thought we had a handle on TRUTH, I, we, all of us could be deceived. Most my friends, did not believe that could happen. As I began to discover error in all that I was learning and even teaching others, I began reading David Wilkerson’s monthly newsletters. Inevitably, the things I began to question, the error I discovered, Rev.Wilkerson would also confirm in his letters that they were in fact error. I found that he was actually like a living spiritual compass for me, as he confirmed, reiterated, elaborated and comforted me in the things I was learning in the Word and experiencing in life.

          Who on TV or in the pulpit today is telling us that Christians had better prepare for economic problems that will permanently change their way of living. What preacher in what Church is warning his people of these things? David Wilkerson has in his preaching and newsletters. Who can you turn to on TV and be told that one of the reasons America is going through such hard times today is because of our acceptance of the militant uprising of the homosexual population? David Wilkerson does in his writings and preaching. See “America’s Last Call.” Who can you turn to on TV or hear in the pulpit preach that the violent and dangerous change in weather patterns is the Warnings of God to a Nation that needs to repent and turn back to God? See “America’s Last Call.” What preacher on TV or in the pulpit is speaking out against easy believism, against a one sided message that God is Love but failing to preach on the fact that part of that Love is a White Throne Judgment and a hell? David Wilkerson does in his preaching and writings. Who can you turn to on TV and be told that the Church Growth Movement is wrong, that the end does not justify the means. That just because your Church is huge that is not an indication that the Truth is being preached there or that all those folks are saved. He confirmed my thoughts that sheep were being entertained and taught a dumbed down message while the true sheep were starving. Who can you turn to on TV and be warned that Satan does not only corrupt music through the Lyrics, but also through the Style of music. If that is so, as David Wilkerson will point out in his book, “Set the Trumpet To Thy Mouth”, then will you take it a little further and ask yourself, what about all the “dancing before the Lord, that looks more like the World than dancing worshipfully before a Holy God.

          If you like to have your ears tickled, you probably will not even question such worldly dancing, with its hip thrusts and chests thrusts and all. But if you want the truth, it will most likely occur to you that perhaps it is not pleasing to the Lord, even though it is Entertaining “ to most.” And there I go again, “to most.” I have learned and it has been confirmed to me through David Wilkerson’s writings and preaching that Big is not better, that economic difficulties will soon change my lifestyle permanently and all the faith and tithing in the world cannot make that not happen. I have learned and he has confirmed that my faith is not a formula to receive the things I want, but rather a fruit of the spirit that will get me through the good times and bad times that I will go through. And at the same time he has taught me that even though I will not be able to avoid them, I can face them with confidence and without fear and panic, knowing that I am conformed into Christ’s image through suffering. He has confirmed that suffering is not an indication that my faith is weak or that I did not confess the promises of God enough. He has confirmed that godliness with contentment is GREAT GAIN, not my belongings or position if life. He described the prosperity teachers as wolves. I have also learned and he has confirmed that the laughing revival, and the soaking prayer movement, and these ever evolving movements in the Charismatic, Pentecostal circles are not of God, and are false signs and wonders. He has confirmed to me that Dominion Theology and Universalism are wrong theologies. If someone had followed his ministry they would find the direction and correction and all the Love that God has to offer us, wrapped up in his messages.

          He believed we in America are on a disastrous course if we do not repent as a Nation, which we have not done, and that we would see looting and race riots in the streets before Christ came back. How hard is that to believe considering all the recent rioting in various parts of the world? I know people who are still in the Charismatic/Pentecostal church who get scared listening to him although they would not admit it, because they are still believing for a great transfer of wealth because of the way they twist the scripture “the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the Just.” They trust in the fact that they are tithers. They believe because of their great faith, they will not go through Disasters and they do not want to hear that they might. It upsets their theology. How many Born Again Believers in the past few years have lost everything from flooding, tornados, etc who tithed and had great faith? He strengthens me and others to stand fast in the only thing worth clinging to and that is My Jesus. He assures me that with Jesus, I will make it.

          David Wilkerson never, never, never tickles our ears and today that is just not acceptable to most of the Church. People want their self-esteem stroked. He taught God wanted it Crucified. He was not into making you feel good, although he was able to preach the realities of scripture and for those who had ears to hear, they were also able to hear in his messages that God did in fact love us, that we were the apple of his eye, and that he was working all things together for good for us . He was able to tell the truth, that we would suffer as Christians. But at the same time, he was able to help diffuse our fears and doubts and assure us of God’s unending love for us. He stimulated us to a life of dying to self and one of Holiness. Those who liked a feel good message did not like David Wilkerson. I have always been the type of Christian that needs desperately to hear the things I must not do in order to be saved. I cannot honestly examine myself if I do not hear the negative along with the positive. I justified my sin for too many years, and personally got good at blaming others rather than myself. Tell me God loves me, but also tell me what he does not love. I need both to make it. I need both to work out my salvation with fear and trembling. Deny me the truth and I will rationalize, and minimize what God’s will is. David Wilkerson gave us both. If any of this makes sense to anyone, I turned to him when I had my doubts about things in the Church. I received his monthly letters for years and he confirmed to me the many errors and false teaching in the Church, yet without mentioning names. (Not that I am opposed to mentioning names. Paul did) David Wilkerson cut through the junk and told it like it is. He was an incredible servant of God, who is now enjoying his Master, his Maker, his Lord! Thank you Lord, for his honesty and loyalty to Your Word, Your Will, and to Your Body of Believers while He was with us.


          • I am sure there are many who will benefit from your words. Thank you for taking the time to put this together for us. It is a worthy work Karen and I agree with all you have said. Thank God you had this man to help confirm in your spirit the things the Lord had been showing you.

            Peace and blessings!


      • Yess!! Now we must! I have been so slack in my walk I better pick it up! I just am shocked Mkayla! I’m still trying to figure how he could have had that accident? its that feeling you know….naaa, Jesus took him home. I listened to David’s sermons and read his book about Nicky Cruz and have the cross and switchblade and he even sent me a few newsletters that I didn’t even request! I was even planning on visiting his church when I would come to New York (If i ever make it there one day this century), but now I’m just in shock. I only found out as I was watching our Royal Wedding here in England….just so weird!


  8. It IS a shock. The church in America has lost a voice that sounded a clear call to repentance, holiness and righteousness.

    I pray more men in this country will see this as a call to stand up, take courage, and preach as he preached. He will be missed.


  9. David Wilkerson stood for truth until the end. He was truly a man called by almighty God, unlike so many of the self-appointed pastors and prophets today, who fill the pulpits with words about themselves, instead of delivering Gods word for the people.
    His words were always right on target, and spoke to my heart, many times in some of the most desperate times in my life.
    I was usually moved to tears, when hearing him speak.
    What a humble servant of our Lord!


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