From WH – It’s time for a reality check

I received “It’s time for a reality check” in my e-mail just a few moments ago. I am assuming this is a response to the letter I sent to Pres Obama last week in which I voiced my concern of his request for “snitchery” and of his health care reform proposal I’m sharing  the response written by David Axelrod with you, unread, unresearched by me,  just for the information.

On another note, after sending my same concerns to the governor, 3 senators and 2 reps, and the GOP, I did receive one very nice response from one senator, which assured me the change is for the better. The letter did not specifically address any of my concerns. I got a pat on the back, so to speak from the GOP and an invite to sign up with a user name and password!  I’m going to leave my cynical responses out of this, being that I am more disappointed in the chairman of the GOP than I am the senator!

The problem is not what they are saying now, it’s in what has already been said!!! When the WH is able to put into words that it is not their intention now or in the future to invoke laws the public is now screaming about, those the government call “myths”, then, and only then will their explanations have true weight. That is my reality check for them.

(Sorry, about the formatting – I’m trying to make it better. :))

The White House, Washington

Dear Friend,
Anyone that’s watched the news in the past few days knows that health insurance reform is a hot topic — and that rumors and scare tactics have only increased as more people engage with the issue. Given a lot of the outrageous claims floating around, it’s time to make sure everyone knows the facts about the security and stability you get with health insurance reform.That’s why we’ve launched a new online resource — — to help you separate fact from fiction and share the truth about health insurance reform. Here’s a few of the reality check videos you can find on the site:

There’s more information and a number of online tools you can use to spread the truth among your family, friends and other social networks. Take a look:

Health Insurance Reform Reality Check

We knew going into this effort that accomplishing comprehensive health insurance reform wasn’t going to be easy. Achieving real change never is. The entrenched interests that benefit from the status quo always use their influence in Washington to try and keep things just as they are.

But don’t be misled. We know the status quo is unsustainable. If we do nothing, millions more Americans will be denied insurance because of pre-existing conditions, or see their coverage suddenly dropped if they become seriously ill. Out-of-pocket expenses will continue to soar, and more and more families and businesses will be forced to deal with health insurance costs they can’t afford.

That’s the reality.

Americans deserve better. You deserve a health care system that works as well for you as it does for the status quo; one you can depend on — that won’t deny you coverage when you need it most or charge you crippling out-of-pocket co-pays. Health insurance reform means guaranteeing the health care security and stability you deserve.

President Barack Obama promised he’d bring change to Washington and fix our broken, unsustainable health insurance system. You can help deliver that change. Visit, get the facts and spread the truth. The stakes are just too high to do nothing.

Thank you,

David Axelrod
Senior Advisor to the President


Please do not reply to this email. Contact the White House

The White House • 1600 Pennsylvania Ave NW • Washington, DC 20500 • 202-456-1111

2 thoughts on “From WH – It’s time for a reality check

  1. I think both sides have taken essentially the same tactics. Labeling each other with invectives, giving their supporters a ‘playbook’, and attempting to use the media to their advantage. All of this is okay. It is okay because in America we have the right to freedom of speech, assembly and freedom of the press. These are rights that thousands have given their lives to protect.

    The debate on health care which consumes nearly a fifth of the national economy and involves everyone is something that we should openly debate and understand the intended and unintended consequences of before we change an entire system.

    It is important to provide better access, bend the cost curve so that health care is affordable (and not just through shifting costs by taxing), and improving the quality of the care delivered.

    We are a country that leads the world in health care innovation. We have to zealously protect that aspect. No other country in the world is positioned to take our place if we take our eye off this important work.

    Follow many aspects of the health care debate and information about health care delivery at


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