The Sorcery Queen of Prophecy: Patricia King and Her Minions

As you are aware, I came out of the false prophetic movement many years ago. Patricia King was someone I followed since the beginning as I was quite impressed with her testimony and with it the abandonment of witchcraft practices. Years later, when the Lord showed me the error of my ways I continued to follow Patricia simply out of curiosity. She was, and probably still is considered Todd Bentley’s spiritual mother. After his and the fall of Lakeland there seemed to be an enormous number of bizarre supernatural experiences – falling gemstones, dripping oil and angelic footprints. I followed Patricia’s fascination with these events as she chased them to different parts of the world. I even watched a youtube where she condoned dancing around a huge bonfire. I was then convinced that she never left witchcraft, and still believe it to this day. The truth being she is deceived and dangerous in her practice of things forbidden, and the unholy, leading the unsuspecting and untaught astray.

In the following Blogtalk session my friends Jackie Alnor and Susan Puzio discuss some of Patricia’s bizarre behavior and beliefs, and I have to say that even with my personal experience the things revealed on this program gave me the chills. If you take the time to listen you will understand without a doubt the connection Patricia has to witchcraft and new age practices. You will hear her admit to her practice of the Law of Attraction, which is the ungodly basis and foundation of Word of Faith. Could it be that we have entered a time when false prophets truthfully tell their beliefs?

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