The Proverbs 31 Wife (Complementarian Edition)

The following article is used by permission. If you are on Facebook I recommend this writer and advocate, and you may visit his page by clicking on his name below.

Matthew Shallenberger

I recently read through the book of Proverbs. When I got to Proverbs 31, the well-known chapter about the virtuous wife, I couldn’t help but notice that some of the things the virtuous wife does seem contradictory to the complementarian model of marriage.In complementarianism, men and women have distinct roles in both home and society.

Men take the leadership role as the authoritative head of the home; women take the supporting, submissive role, and are not to usurp the authority of men. In decision-making, women might give input, but men have the final word. If there is disagreement about how to move forward, men have the tiebreaking vote.I imagined how this chapter might read if it was modified with complementarian ideals. For example: “She considers a field and buys it” (but not before consulting her husband); “out of her earnings she plants a vineyard” (only after her husband has given his approval).Or:“She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue” (but she only instructs other women and children; it would be wrong for her to teach a man).And of course:“She watches over the affairs of her household…” (but her husband always has the final say in any decisions).Then lastly:“Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate” (but make sure to acknowledge her husband is the head of their home and is ultimately responsible for everyone in the family).

The truth is that the Proverbs 31 wife doesn’t fit into the complementarian mold; she shatters it. She exhibits leadership qualities, makes financial decisions for the family, plans and prepares for their future, and shows great wisdom and an ability to teach others.And these are things for which her husband praises her. He is not threatened by her business acumen or her leadership ability. There is no indication that he reserves the right to review her decisions to have the final say.

On the contrary, she is portrayed as capable of independent thought and action, and her husband is not just OK with it, he encourages it.Marriage works best as a partnership, with open communication and shared decision-making between husband and wife. Both men and women are capable of rational thought and both contribute to the leadership of the family. Management of various aspects of the home should be based on competency, not on gender. For example, if a woman has a keen mind for business and numbers, it makes more sense for her to manage the family finances than her husband who has little interest in such things.What I see described in Proverbs 31 is a partnership where the husband trusts his wife and puts full confidence in her abilities, rather than a complementarian or patriarchal system where he must have the final word on everything, and his wife must always submit to his decisions. He empowers her to reach her full potential; he does not restrain her so that she can never surpass his limitations.

It’s time we reconsider whether complementarianism is really a biblical model, or simply a traditional cultural model onto which we’ve imposed a proof-texted interpretation of Scripture. The Proverbs 31 wife is not a quiet, retiring housewife who exists simply to fluff her husband’s ego and carry out his whims. She is a boss! And she is presented as a model for women everywhere. What lessons might we learn from her today?

Photo by Carli Jeen on Unsplash

The Sorcery Queen of Prophecy: Patricia King and Her Minions

As you are aware, I came out of the false prophetic movement many years ago. Patricia King was someone I followed since the beginning as I was quite impressed with her testimony and with it the abandonment of witchcraft practices. Years later, when the Lord showed me the error of my ways I continued to follow Patricia simply out of curiosity. She was, and probably still is considered Todd Bentley’s spiritual mother. After his and the fall of Lakeland there seemed to be an enormous number of bizarre supernatural experiences – falling gemstones, dripping oil and angelic footprints. I followed Patricia’s fascination with these events as she chased them to different parts of the world. I even watched a youtube where she condoned dancing around a huge bonfire. I was then convinced that she never left witchcraft, and still believe it to this day. The truth being she is deceived and dangerous in her practice of things forbidden, and the unholy, leading the unsuspecting and untaught astray.

In the following Blogtalk session my friends Jackie Alnor and Susan Puzio discuss some of Patricia’s bizarre behavior and beliefs, and I have to say that even with my personal experience the things revealed on this program gave me the chills. If you take the time to listen you will understand without a doubt the connection Patricia has to witchcraft and new age practices. You will hear her admit to her practice of the Law of Attraction, which is the ungodly basis and foundation of Word of Faith. Could it be that we have entered a time when false prophets truthfully tell their beliefs?

Musings of an American Girl

I’ve put off writing for so long that I can’t seem to pound the words out from my swimming mind to my keyboard. 

We here in America have found ourselves swept up in a tide of a sort of craziness none of us were genuinely prepared to witness, much less became a part of.  After all, how can one prepare the mind to for the pervasiveness that has gripped our nation this past year? 

Once upon a time, I was much more political than I am now.  Anyone who read my earlier posts regarding Barak Obama’s antics will probably remember the fight I put up at what was then proposed ObamaCare. Then, afterward believing him guilty of treason, I contacted the Republican Party for their help, whose response was for me to send them money. That was pretty much the end of my belief in politics, and any remaining trust of politicians that had ebbed over the years. 

In comes Mr. Trump, successful, determined, a real example of male narcissism, though I don’t hold that against him as most successful leaders share that same trait, men and women alike. We cheered when he beat the pants off Hillary and won that first election because none of us wanted to see her hold the highest office of the land. Something on that side of the political arena rose up after her loss, a shared anger, a jealousy, and with it a growing darkness held in common among those sorts of people who aren’t accustomed to losing.  From there, it festered and grew into the malicious lying heap of garbage that now resides not within the American government but as the American government. Is this new? Nah! It’s always been there way, but its darkness within our leaders has deepened and developed into what we now witness. 

Just hang on to your butts, cuz it will get worse!

Our constitution dictates that we are a free people as granted to us by our God, the Creator, and our government was formed primarily to protect us from the destruction of outside powers including all we see the government now doing. Yeah, there’s other stuff but in the beginning there were few rules for America the Free. However, the deep reaching need to control not only crept in, but over took their minds and hearts, resulting in an uninvited governmental power over every aspect of our lives, even the right to life and to breathe freely.

The media, or journalists, whose job it is to risk their lives to get to the truth for the the American public has been reduced to nothing more than a group of flying monkeys performing the bidding of the narcissitic government officials they bow to.  I wonder how as human beings they can continuously lie and still sleep and eat as though they have done no wrong.  

Humorously, many Christians once hung on every word of the fair and balanced Fox News, whose female reporters, painted and waxed looked more like ladies of the night than professional journalists. Oh but wait…they’re just script readers, after all. No real risk there, just polish those lips and wax those legs, don the stilettos and watch the ratings climb! 

Listen, I have no doubt in my mind that the November 2020 Presidential Election was rigged. I believe this because I believe most politicians, especially those with an overreaching need to control are capable of anything, and they proved this in 2019 at their first attempt to impeach Trump. They proved it again with their joint refusal to stop the rioting and destruction that has taken place in our cities this past year. They proved it back in the days of Obama, Biden and Hillary with Black Lives Matter which was nothing more than a plot to further divide the American people. And they’ve succeeded. They proved it when they stole land and way of life from the Indians, destroying their God given freedom!  They’ve promised, yet done nothing to help America forgetting that the offices they hold are that of public servants, and instead have pulled every source of power, possibly that of Satan himself to get whatever it is that they want from us and they will continue to pull from that power. 

All the work and time invested in saving the election and keeping Trump in the Oval Office failed. And what are we left with? Lies upon lies. Lies so deep that we many never know the truth. 

And that my friends is the way of the American government. 

Beware Man’s Devises


m'kayla's korner

My warning to be careful in what you open yourself up to is a very valid one. And I direct this to the charismatic group as well as the contemplative/emergent one, and any group that will teach “do this” to “experience God”. It is irrelevant that we live in a post modern society or that we have been given so-called “prophetic” words that God is “doing a new thing”, or that we are in some particular “season”.

Titus 1:16 They profess to know God, but in works they deny Him being abominable, disobedient and disqualified for every good work.

Our God in unchanging. In all times and seasons He remains the same. We are told to be ready to preach the gospel in season and out and to be watchful in all things – 2 Timothy4:2, 5.

When man devises a way to gain knowledge or have an experience, to…

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Holy Spirit Manifestations

m'kayla's korner

Just a note:  This is not intended as a complete article on the Holy Spirit. It is quite long, but don’t let that intimate you or keep you from reading all it has to say, even if you need to make more than one visit.  

While I chose to call it Holy Spirit Manifestations, it’s really an article in argument as to the truth of the Holy Spirit.  So while it’s purpose is to address those strange bodily manifestations we get all excited about, it does so in light of the scripture as a comparison to what is claimed by man and taught by God through His word. 

As God will not violate His character or His word I felt it was important to look at not only manifestations, but also the fruits and gifts of the Holy Spirit.   When we see the truth as a whole it is easier to recognize…

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Death and Hot Fudge

Today I learned that a friend of mine lost her son. There was no warning or previous illness; his death was as unexpected and shocking as most deaths.

I was reminded of a moment long ago and a dear friend who, within a short time after learning of my daughter’s death, was at my house within a short time. It was still early that day when she came to my side as cancer was eating her body. Her own needs aside, she came without breakfast with a special love and kindness as we retreated to my kitchen to make juice together.

Some days later, she called to asked me out for a hot fudge sundae. After all, ice cream and chocolate, especially hot fudge, cures just about anything, at least momentarily. But I was proud, and I was distant. I told her I would probably throw it up, and that all I wanted to do was to scream and cry. With laughter, she again offered and to join me as a participant in all three of my concerns. But I would not go. I could not.

Later that same year, I lost my friend to cancer.

So in remanence, I long for a do-over moment with her, that one rare moment to share laughter and tears with someone who loved me. After all, what’s a little barfed hot fudge between the best of friends?

Serious Concerns Regarding The Passion Translation

John at The Word Like Fire offers some resources exposing erroneous doctrines of The Passion Translation, the famed New Apostolic Reformation “bible” If you or someone you know has one, please watch the video and see the information contained on his blog because it is not any where near the same as the words of a true bible.

The Cycle of Violence and Abuse

It’s been quite some time since I posted anything regarding violence and abuse. I have read that that abuse and the number of its victims has increased since the imposed Covid19 lockdown, and wanted to offer some help for anyone out there who may need it. 

If you are in a dangerous situation please get in touch with the National Abuse Hotline by calling 800-799-7233 or contacting the informational website and chat line even if you don’t feel that you are ready to leave. There is help available. Please don’t let your fear cause you to become a statistic!

It is of the utmost importance that you understand that abuse, no matter the form is not God’s will for your life no matter who you are. You are not responsible for the actions of another person regardless of your gender, age, or religion!  As a Christian woman, it is not your calling to stay in the home to save your husband, even though you may have been told this by clergy. That is a lie. 

The cycle of violence isn’t always something everyone understands. However, the more you study it, the more you do understand. The cycles of violence happen when a cycle of events happens in an abusive relationship.

The stages don’t all happen at once and it’s not all done the same way in each relationship. Sometimes it can happen within a couple of hours, while other times, it may take up to a year to complete the cycle. Continue reading to understand the cycle of violence.

The Cycle of Abuse

The following link is a blog dedicated to the awareness of domestic voilence and church abuse written from the perspective of a born again Christian woman. 

Because It Matters, Freedom From Abuse

Kept From the Hour

An excellent end-times teaching from Charles Cooper. If you believe in the pre-tribulation rapture of the church, as I once did, please be prepared to ask why you believe it to be true, and watch the video!

The Pre-Trib Rapture is Dead

From his site:

There was only one passage in the N.T. that forms the basis for it. This is the opinion of their greatest teachers. Now that Rev 3:10 no longer can be used as support for an explicit teaching for the Pretribulation rapture, the position has no scriptural support. There are no other passages that support it. The Pretribulation rapture doctrine is dead! Only those who do not want to be bothered with the facts can ignore it.

Signs in the Heavens

m'kayla's korner

Updated for clarity- 5/25/2020

I’ve been pondering and doing some research regarding the recent US solar eclipse, the date of September 23, the 12th chapter of Revelation, and the many claims, theories, and warnings of supposed biblical signs from the Lord regarding future disasters. 

We need to be careful and clarify what exactly constitutes biblical signs and what does not. I don’t come to the same biblical conclusions surrounding these theories even though they have become quite popular and taught by people I once respected. 

The Solar Eclipse 

Many people believe the solar eclipse last month on August 21, 2017, was a warning from the Lord regarding an impending period of judgment while claim it was a warning for repentance given before the onset of His divine judgment. I have searched the scriptures and have yet to find even one passage that clearly states the Lord will send a solar…

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