The Cycle of Violence and Abuse

It’s been quite some time since I posted anything regarding violence and abuse. I have read that that abuse and the number of its victims has increased since the imposed Covid19 lockdown, and wanted to offer some help for anyone out there who may need it. 

If you are in a dangerous situation please get in touch with the National Abuse Hotline by calling 800-799-7233 or contacting the informational website and chat line even if you don’t feel that you are ready to leave. There is help available. Please don’t let your fear cause you to become a statistic!

It is of the utmost importance that you understand that abuse, no matter the form is not God’s will for your life no matter who you are. You are not responsible for the actions of another person regardless of your gender, age, or religion!  As a Christian woman, it is not your calling to stay in the home to save your husband, even though you may have been told this by clergy. That is a lie. 

The cycle of violence isn’t always something everyone understands. However, the more you study it, the more you do understand. The cycles of violence happen when a cycle of events happens in an abusive relationship.

The stages don’t all happen at once and it’s not all done the same way in each relationship. Sometimes it can happen within a couple of hours, while other times, it may take up to a year to complete the cycle. Continue reading to understand the cycle of violence.

The Cycle of Abuse

The following link is a blog dedicated to the awareness of domestic voilence and church abuse written from the perspective of a born again Christian woman. 

Because It Matters, Freedom From Abuse

A Shared Deception: The Lies We Believed

Finally, my friends! 

E-Book Available For Purchase!! –

What if one day you began to question and research some of the things you witnessed as a Christian? As a result, your research proved irrefutable evidence that you had been practicing another religion in the name of God.

What if the source of power behind your charismatic gifts of prophecy, healing, and dream interpretation attributed to the Holy Spirit proved to be another spirit all together?

Who could you turn to if everyone you knew believed the same as you?

A former seer-prophet and healing rooms minister shares her experiences and quest for spiritual truth and spiritual freedom. Journey with the author as she exposes the false teachings found deep within the false prophetic and healing movements coveted by much of the Christian church today.


Once An Alcoholic, Always An Alcoholic, THE Lie….A Testimony

I received the following testimony as a comment, and wanted to share it as an article. Thanks and blessings, Doug!

Dear Readers,

First and foremost, hats off to Mkayla,for not braking ranks in this WAR!

Okay, I have a story for you. Maybe it applies here and maybe not, but I believe that I was unfairly, verbally attacked by these three people in a supposed to be, Christian, Faith Based AA Group.

And I want to say, I’m not a member, nor am I affiliated with AA or any of its associates in any way!

A friend of mine who heads this group asked me, if I would help him with the group. I had been there years prior, and kinda chalked the whole thing up to too many rules and regulations on the surface, and just really didn’t wanna find out what was underneath.

So I said yes and started chairing this AA meeting as a fill in for this guy. These people are to be very Leary of. Just listen to this:

I began by reading the appropriated material out loud and instead the normal:”Hi, I’m (whoever) and I’m an alcoholic/drug addict, I said”Hi, I’m Doug, and I was an alcoholic/drug addict until I met The Lord Jesus Christ and he healed me.”

We’ll, suprisingly enough at first I was getting good response with this and so after about a month I started referring to divine healing for alcoholics and educating them in where their faith should be!

That it was not to be in the MEETINGS but in Christ and Him Crucified!

I began pointing them more and more to looking to God ALONE. To only use the meetings as a tool to help u by listening to others and supporting each other with their unique but yet similar stories. And I always encourage laughing and putting the past where it belongs; in the past!

This was going quite well up until about 6 weeks ago this couple from a near by town who happen to run the local Triangle Group came over. They seemed nice enough, until they talked.

These two were loud, obnoxious, and hateful. Mind you, I can be part of all three when I get ticked over something said against my Lord and Savior. But these guys starting coming down on me because I had been telling people that I had been healed of Alcoholism.

You would have thought I had killed somebody. I was finally attacked by them in a very hostile verbal way after a meeting here recently. Absolutely ludicrous!!!

These guys basically tried to shout me down for standing up to the truth about AA and their 12 steps!!!

They wanted to SILENCE THE GOSPEL! Yet, they were Christian???

I think Not! They are enemies of The Cross of Christ Paul says.

They deny divine healing and that God can and will do anything.

They tell people that they are alcoholic and will alway
s be alcoholic!

That is a lie straight from the pits of HELL!

We CANNOT GIVE GROUND. I was able to infiltrate and help for over 6 months at least is how I see it. Many I believe we’re led to Christ.

It was like these little demons just walked right in that meeting and tried to destroy what I had established as truth the past six months. They are up under law! You can’t have it both ways!

It’s either Grace or Law! You can choose the method by which ye will be judged by. But I will choose GRACE EVERY TIME!

Don’t give in and don’t give up. We are to do what The Word of God says to do until the trumpet sounds and Jesus comes back to get us. That’s it!

Their pitiful attempt to thwart the work of God will not go unheard of in the halls of heaven.

In Christ Always,


We must all be courageous. One of these was a friend of mine. Sometimes we have to make hard decisions. This war is not easy. Many of us have been wounded by false doctrine. We know what it is and want terribly to keep anyone from experiencing the things we have.____

See Also – Who The Son Sets Free, A Testimony

Who the Son Sets Free, A Testimony

The following story is a powerful testimony to the power of God in the life of a now ex-addict.

The early meetings that  AA sprung out of, I believe, were truly Biblical.  These groups of believers were called The Oxford Group. But as time (and actually it didn’t take very long) went on the truths that were taught in the beginning began to get watered down. There was much controversy in the ranks and now AA is a Monster.

I think things that end up in error, do not always start out that way.  Nevertheless, AA is not the Word and it cannot do for someone what the Word and Jesus can do.  It is not the place for Christians who are seeking help. It will just confuse their faith and walk with the Lord.  And I would agree that those that attend are condoning error and perhaps even causing their brothers to stumble, even if they say they do not go along with all of it. I taught a Christ based recovery meeting for several years and taught that addictions were strongholds and sin. I, myself grew up in an alcoholic home.

At age 30 went into a secular treatment program where they used the twelve steps.  During the 30-day stay there, they walked you through the first 5 steps.  I had just gotten saved and the light went on that I was an alcoholic prescription pill addict.  Those five steps seemed to lay out for me what I needed to do to get free.  I wanted to be free and it was obvious to me many there did not.  And I have to say that those that did not want it for the large part had no clue who God was and really were not interested in finding out.  I never had another drink or another Valium after my stay. That was in 1981.

The unfortunate thing about AA is they tell people that if they don’t stay in the flow of AA they will go back to using. So I went to meetings very frequently the first few months until someone invited me to a Church that was preaching the Word and teaching the believer who they are in Christ.

I was learning I was a new creation in Christ, old things had passed away and all things were made new (2 Corinthians 5:17).  I was learning to reckon myself dead to sin and alive unto God (Romans 6:11). I was learning that I could and needed to put off the old man and put on the new man that was created in righteousness and true holiness (Ephesians 4:20-24). It was music to my ears.

The Word of God truly became my medicine. It was life to me and health to all my body (Proverbs 4:22).  I began to realize that it was truly the Word of God and it would never be AA that would keep me sober. It was the treasure hidden in the field that I would make my priority to find and keep.

Those are the things that I would bring to the attention of those seeking recovery and freedom from addiction.  Many Christians now, and in the past, have been warped by the teachings of AA.

We can point them back to the Word of God.  I challenge them, why would God send many of his servants, many who had been addicted to various things at one time, overseas where there were no AA meetings to attend if they were ” going to relapse if they neglected their meetings? ” He wouldn’t because it is not AA meetings that can keep a Christian free.  True freedom is found in trusting in Him and living through, and abiding in His Word.

I disagreed strongly with the Christian Recovery Groups that encouraged the people to also attend AA and most do.  My heart was to show them their real need was to get into bible studies and the like and if they would stay in the flow of that they would stay sober.

By the way, in treatment I got delivered from alcohol and drug addiction but I was also bulimic. I was afraid to tell the treatment program that I was!  That was the biggy for me. I could learn to say to the drink or the pill, “No!  I do not have to ingest you!” for lack of a better word. I could just not touch them.  But I had to eat!  I was addicted to eating and I could not just stop.  I had to learn to eat in moderation. Wow, with drugs you just do not even go there. An addict will never be able to use in moderation.  You just don’t use. But I had to learn to eat in moderation.  That is asking more than enough.

To ask an addict to do in moderation the very thing they crave to do sounds absolutely impossible!  But with the Lord, nothing is impossible!  When I went into treatment I was popping valium, drinking, smoking 2 and 1/2 packs of cigarettes and throwing up sometimes three, four, five times a day! When I got out of treatment, I was still smoking and throwing up but within a few years I was doing neither.

Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.  

John 8:36

Leaving My Lesbian Past

Leaving My Lesbian Past

The church that walked with me away from homosexuality.

By Charlene E. Hios, Executive Director of Bridging the Gaps Ministries in the San Francisco Bay area.



It was a Sunday morning, the beginning of football season. I was wearing my Dallas Cowboys jersey, ready to root for them. I was visiting my parents who lived in Las Vegas. I looked forward to spending more time with them after the game. They were heading off to church, and I was heading to the casino to watch the game.



That is, until Mom and Dad asked me to go with them to church that morning. They wanted me to meet some of their new friends and to meet the pastor and his wife.


I had nothing against going to church, mind you. It was just that the game would be starting at 10:00, and, well, I preferred watching football to attending church. In the back of my mind was also the fact that their church is one that believes homosexuality is a sin. My thinking was that it would be easier on everyone if their lesbian daughter just took herself to the casino to watch some football.



But I ended up going to church that day. Even though I was almost 35 years old, I was still my parents’ daughter, I was visiting their home, and I knew they had their hearts set on my going with them. Little did I know how significant visiting their church was going to be for me.



Mom and Dad introduced me to each of their friends at church that morning. I was impressed with how friendly everyone was. Toward me and toward each other as well. As the service started, the church had a “welcoming time,” and folks were out of their seats and literally walking clear across the church to say hello to someone they did not know or had not seen in awhile.



Many came my way, sporting huge smiles and bright eyes. They spoke words of welcome. Some gave me huge hugs. A couple of them told me they were not Cowboy fans, so not to tell anyone they hugged me!


Never had I felt so welcomed, so accepted. I felt as though this was where I belonged. It was as if they were family I had never met.



The last time I had gone to church was, well, I couldn’t remember. Maybe a Christmas Eve Mass years ago? I wasn’t sure. My parents did not bring me up in the church.



When Mom and Dad moved to Las Vegas, Dad was invited to attend a men’s Bible study at College Park Baptist Church. Shortly after that, Dad, at age 60, was born again. A bit later, at age 65, my mom also was born again. My parents were both excited to share their newfound experience with me.


I enjoyed the rest of the church service. The music was great. A full choir, their faces aglow, led the worship. It seemed everyone was full of smiles that day.



Throughout most of the sermon, Pastor Bob’s face held a smile. Sometimes he would catch my eye, and it felt like he was speaking straight to me. He spoke that morning on the armor of God. He had my attention through the whole sermon.



As the service ended, several members of the choir, still in their robes, flocked toward me. I looked around to see where they might be going. They were all coming to greet my parents and me. Little did I know that Dad often sang in the choir, and they all wanted to meet me, his daughter. I thought they looked like a group of heavenly angels as their arms opened to hug me.



Finally, it was time to go home. Or so I thought. The next game started at 1:00. If we hurried, we could grab something to eat and head back to my parents’ house to watch football. No such luck. Mom and Dad wanted me to go to their Bible study with them. Aargh. They would not let me take the car, go to the house, watch the game with my kid brother and then come back to get them at halftime. So, off I went to afternoon Bible study.




I quickly got over not being able to watch the game. The study had my attention. It was about God’s son, Jesus, the man on the cross who died for the sins of the world. I was familiar with the cross, but I hadn’t known the name of the man on it nor the significance of it.



I didn’t get to watch any football that day. But I did meet a lot of nice people. The day at church did not go the way I thought it would. I thought we would get into arguments about homosexuality. No one brought it up. Surely they could tell I was butch. But they were so welcoming and loving, I saw no judgment nor did I feel any. I felt as I had never felt before—accepted.



Not long afterward the company I worked for promoted me to a regional executive position that would require me to travel all across the country each week. The CEO suggested that I move to Las Vegas. It made sense to move in with my parents rather than getting a place of my own, since I would only be home on the weekends. I could pay them rent. It was a win-win situation for us all.



Part of the arrangement was that my parents hoped I would join them at church each Sunday. They wanted me to experience the love, acceptance, and peace that they had from their new personal relationship with Jesus Christ.



Since my first experience there was so enjoyable, I decided to give it a shot. I also noticed the difference in both of my parents since they had become Christians. They both seemed to have a peace that I had never noticed before. They still had issues, but they were somehow different. It was a good different.




According to God’s Design


As I started attending CPBC, I learned more and more about God’s love and about his Son, Jesus Christ. Many times in Bible study I would question what the Bible says about homosexuality, and they were always gentle in their answers. They told me they believed the Bible to be God’s Word and that God did not create us to be homosexual. It was not according to his design. They then took me to the book of Genesis and showed how God created everything and how everything had an order. They said that God made the man and then the woman to be the man’s companion, one complementing the other.



I would argue that the writers of the Bible either had something against homosexuals or that the Bible did not translate the words properly from the ancient language into our current day English. I argued that the writers did not know homosexuals as we are today. I argued that the word “homosexual” was not even in the original English Bible. I agreed that two men together sexually was not right, but I saw nothing unnatural with two women together sexually. Looking back, I do not know where these arguments came from, but they made sense to me at the time.



The folks at CPBC never initiated the discussion of homosexuality. It was always me who wanted to discuss it. They were more interested in my personal walk with God and my relationship with Jesus. Though they were concerned about my homosexuality, they explained that God would be the one to work on my homosexuality and my belief that God made me that way.




I learned much later that there were some who were not appreciative that the church showed so much love and acceptance toward me, the lesbian. Someone told me that some left the church. That saddened me. I hope those who left will come to see that the church was doing the right thing. They loved me with the love of Jesus Christ. They were compassionate truth-tellers, just like Jesus.




They were the people who talked to me about homosexuality by taking me deeper into the Word of God. They knew they could not argue me out of my homosexuality. The first matter at hand was to introduce me to Jesus Christ, to the Word of God, not to introduce me to heterosexuality.




Though I did not realize it at the time, I was in a huge spiritual battle that went on for at least a year, if not longer.




They could not argue me out of my homosexuality. The first matter was to introduce me to Jesus, not to heterosexuality.




Once I started going to church on a regular basis, it was as if every girlfriend, every lover, I had ever had contacted me by phone or came to visit me in Las Vegas. They tried to bring me back into a relationship with them.




I explained to each, as gently as I could, that something was going on with me, deep inside, and I was beginning to believe that perhaps homosexuality was not the right lifestyle. Even though it had been my identity for years.




A little more than a year after visiting the church, I came to Christ. I attended Bible studies, I sang in the choir, I was a part of these folks. They accepted me into their family.




They did not push the issue of my homosexuality. It was not an issue for them; they knew God would eventually take care of it.




And he did! The more I studied the Bible, the more my conviction grew. God and I stayed up long nights talking about homosexuality and why he made me this way if it was wrong. Slowly I heard his answers; slowly I came to realize homosexual behavior was wrong. I could not figure it out, but I knew I should not act out on my same-sex attractions. It was God speaking to me (not audibly), not the church telling me.


After being a new Christian for about a year, one Sunday night Pastor Bob preached on seven Bible passages that address homosexuality. The same passages that I had always believed the translators translated incorrectly or had nothing to do with lesbians now struck a different chord in me.




I realized when Pastor Bob gave the invitation that homosexual behavior was wrong, and God does not make us homosexual. I could barely walk down the aisle in order to publicly repent from my sin. I realized for the first time that for almost 20 years I had believed a lie.



Thank you, God, for helping my eyes to be open. Thank you, God, for your forgiveness!



Our Part, God’s Work


It is because of this that I do believe a person can be in Christ and identify as gay, though one must eventually realize that homosexual behavior is inconsistent with a faithful relationship with Christ. It is a process! One does not come to Christ and then magically all your sinful desires and attitudes go away.


It takes time to recognize parts of your life are sin. It is essential but it takes time to admit the sin and turn away from it and toward God. This is not an easy process. There is a lot of struggle as you fight it. But at least for me, God takes it away a bit at a time.



It has taken 15 years for me to be completely healed of my same-sex attractions. It is a process that began one Sunday morning at College Park Baptist Church of Las Vegas.


CPBC accepted me just as I was when I walked through the door that Sunday morning, they loved me with the love of Jesus Christ with their compassionate truth-telling, and God used them to mend me, to mold me, and eventually send me out into ministry.




Information on SOZO

With all that is taking place between Bethel, International Association of Healing Rooms and the ongoing healing ministries/ministers who think they have a special gift of healing –  this new research site on SOZO is going up.

Pass it along!

Bethel SOZO Research Group

A Sobering Look at Faith Healers

The following article was written by Bud Press as a comment to one of my readers. I felt the information he provided to be of great value in the need for sober thinking and study regarding those who come as “anointed” healers and prophets in the name of the Lord. It is indeed a growing sign of the times we have been warned about in advance.

Lucifer (who became Satan), is a created being and a former anointed cherubim angel. Prior to his fall, he was convinced he could “raise his throne above the stars of God” and make himself “like the Most High.” But his hopes of ruling over Almighty God and the universe was only a pipe dream. God clearly demonstrated Who was in charge and booted Lucifer and one-third of the angels out of heaven (Ezekiel chapter 28; Genesis chapter 3; Isaiah chapter 14; Revelation chapter 12).

Currently, Satan is the “prince of the power of the air,” who roams the earth like a roaring lion, seeking to kill and destroy (Ephesians 2:2; 1 Peter 5:8). His future is doomed: “And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10).

Now, there is only one God, who exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Again, God created Lucifer, who became Satan. Satan is not omnipotent (all- powerful), omnipresent (everywhere at one time), or omnicient (all-knowing). Only God has those attributes.

Satan is evil and wickedness personified (study John chapter 8). He hates God and His creation. As a created being, he and his demons do not have the power to heal, nor do they have the power to create. Also, heavenly angels do not have the power to heal or create.

Satan does, however, perform “lying wonders” and phoney miracles. Think of him as a master magician, who plays mind games on his audience, and uses trickery and slight-of-hand to make things appear and disappear. Satan works through false prophets and false teachers to accomplish his goals. He is the master deceiver.

Consider this: If Satan could heal, why are so many faith healers being exposed for false healings? Why are the sick and dying leaving the “healing” crusades the same way the came in? Why do faith healers make excuses when amputated arms and legs aren’t restored, or when children suffering from crippling diseases are still confined to wheelchairs?

If Satan could heal, he would be a great benefit to faith healers, false prophets, and false teachers. As such, many more people would be drawn into Satan’s web of deception.

When Jesus returns, every believer will be healed and transformed (1 Corinthians chapter 15; Romans chapter 8). Until then, pay no attention to people who claim to be “prophets of God”. Deuteronomy 18:19-22 teaches us not to be afraid of false prophets (study Ephesians chapter 5; Romans chapter 16; and Acts 20:27-31).

As for those who claim to be healed from all sorts of debilitations, diseases, and illnesses, let me just say that pain is real. When doctors give up hope, sometimes those in pain become desperate, and seek other ways to relieve their pain. Sometimes, they turn to faith healers, who welcome them with open arms, and provide “hope” and promises to be healed.

But, feelings, emotions, and anticipation are real too. Ask anyone who suffers from pain if they would like to be healed, and they will shout “YES!” And, if they are made to think they can be healed, then the faith healer’s scam is almost complete (the following articles will help you understand the mind-set of a faith healer, and what God says about false prophets):

Keep in mind that adrenaline flowing through a person’s body plays a role in how they perceive things. For example, when a person in pain attends a “healing” crusade, their feelings, emotions, anticipation, and excitement of being healed causes adrenaline to flow, which generally provides temporary relief from pain.

Soldiers who have been wounded in combat do extraordinary things. Small people are able to lift heavy weights. People with legitimate physical problems are able to run and jump up-and-down. Adrenaline, coupled with feelings, emotions, and anticipation can cause the sick and dying to think and feel that they have been healed. But it is only temporary. When the crusade is over, and when the excitement has calmed down, the adrenaline stops flowing. It is then when the sick and dying realize they haven’t been healed.

Sadly, when faith healers say (or imply) that the sick and dying are healed, many stop taking their medicine and cancel their doctors’ appointments. They placed their faith in the faith healer. And, many paid the ultimate price.

Finally, what looks legitimate on the outside may be fake and deadly on the inside. Pray for those who are deceived, but stay away from them, or you will be drawn into their web of deception and turned away from the true and living God. I have seen it happen many times.

Erin, study your Bible, and never be afraid to ask questions. Stay close to those who care about you and your spiritual welfare. They will help you grow as a Christian.

God bless,
Bud Press

The Nefarious NARians

Romans 16:17 Now I urge you, brethren, note those who cause divisions and offenses, contrary to the doctrine which you learned, and avoid them.

18 For those who are such do not serve our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly, and by smooth words and flattering speech decieve the hearts of the simple.

Thanks again to Bud Press! 🙂

An Unhealthy Update on Peter and Doris Wagner
The nefarious NARians
by Bud Press
October 26, 2011

For decades, C. Peter Wagner and his wife Doris have led the New Apostolic Reformation in a worldwide campaign against the forces of darkness. At the same time, they have convinced untold thousands that performing spiritual warfare on demonic strongholds is a sure-fire remedy to rid cities, states, and global territories of those pesky critters.

The key, according to the nefarious NARians, is to identify the demonic big cheeses, map-out the strongholds where they do business, and raid their camps with NAR flags o’ victory waving in the breeze.

But the battle won’t be won until the New Apostolic Reformation reforms the minds of the innocent and gullible, and establishes complete “dominion” and “control” over the Christian church. Once this is done, NARians will elect their self-appointed apostolic government, and place their self-elected prophetic politicians in power to dominate and dictate. Then, when the planets are in perfect alignment, and all the heretic hunters have been silenced, the NAR will give its “Jesus” the green light to return, where it will teach good NARians to walk as robots through a field of tulips and sing Kum Bah Yah.

As the battle rages, what the Wagners and their fellow NARians fail to see is their focus is on demonic activity–instead of the real Jesus Christ and the truth of His written word. Concentrating on demons and their destruction gains more oppression from the one whose attempt to overthrow God got him and one third of his demonic angels bounced out of heaven on their forked tails.

Needless to say, sharing Jesus Christ and the gospel will, of course, lead more people to Christ than worrying about demons behind every tree in every city, state, and territory throughout the world.

Consequently, those who refuse to cooperate with the NARian agenda will, no doubt, suffer the consequences, and may be sentenced to eating stale popcorn while suffering through endless re-runs of Todd Bentley shaking, rattling, rolling, and kicking his way through the 2008 Lakeland revival. To add insult to injury, commercial breaks will feature a video of Jessa Bentley shaking her head fast enough to sling her eyeballs into the audience during a New Age mini-revival at Rick Joyner’s MorningStar church.

While the Wagners and the NARians toot their spiritual warfare trumpets and blow shouts of victory over their desensitized followers, their efforts to rid the world of demonic activity was, in reality, doomed before it began. G. Richard Fisher explains:
In 1990, the Spiritual Warfare Network (SWN) was formed by these new apostles and prophets. It is important to remember that they have had 20 years to reclaim ethnic groups, nations, and parcels of geography. So far, after two decades, they have made no progress at all. [“Mountains and Other Tall Tales: Examining the Fantasy World of Modern-day ‘Apostle and Prophet’ C. Peter Wagner,” The Quarterly Journal of Personal Freedom Outreach, October-December 2011, p. 8]
Continuing, Fisher states that, “After 20 years of selling their ideas, there is no proof of being able to take or reclaim territory from demons.” [Ibid., italics theirs]

Fisher is right on target. NARians travel the globe claiming to take “authority” over demonic activity. However, local, state, and world news report a much different story: Those pesky demons are still active and wreaking havoc.

Could it be that the NAR’s claims are without merit? Could it be that the New Apostolic Reformation–which is plagued with heretics, false prophets, and blasphemers–is overshadowed by demons, and is paving its dirt road for the antichrist?

Final answers? Yes, and Yes.

Simply put, crime is on the rise, and crime will continue to rise and become more sadistic until Jesus returns (study Matthew chapter 24 for details). Jesus didn’t mince words. He gave an outline of things to come. Later, the Holy Spirit inspired the apostles to issue warnings about things to come (study the Apostle Paul’s letters to Timothy).

Indeed, C. Peter Wagner needs to be asked, “Specifically, which city or state or territory has been cleaned and fumigated of all demonic activity?” If his answer is, “Gee, I don’t know,” then NARians everywhere should mentally delete Wagner’s “revelation knowledge,” gain knowledge from what God has already said in His written revelation, and consult Ephesians 6:13-18; Acts 19:13-16; Jude 1:9 and, 2 Corinthians 11:13-15, which specifically teaches:

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. No wonder, for even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. Therefore it is not surprising if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness, whose end will be according to their deeds.

The Apostle Paul wrote it, and the Holy Spirit inspired it. Welcome to the New Apostolic Reformation.

Therefore, as the kingdom of NARia continues its ill-fated battle against demonic activity, and as the NAR continues to gain converts, one battle the Wagners are facing is their declining health, which reads like a Who’s Who within the medical kingdom.

Signs, but no wonders

According to NARian-produced newsletters, updates, and prayer requests over this year, the Wagners have been under extensive medical care for a long period of time. Doris Wagner suffered from infectious diseases, placed on hyper-antibiotics, diagnosed with a heart tumor, and underwent operations on her knee. Currently, she is scheduled to undergo major knee surgery. C. Peter Wagner has a lingering cough, swelling in both legs and abdomen, problems with his heart, and has been placed on blood thinners. He is scheduled for cataract surgery in both eyes.

Like the average human being who reaches the elderly stage of life, Peter and Doris Wagner suffer from illnesses, diseases, and sicknesses. It’s a given. But, unlike the average human being, NARians think they are special, an attitude which is demonstrated by their exclusive, elitist mentality. After all, they are what makes up the “signs and wonders” movement, where almost everyone is said to operate in all of the spiritual gifts, including the gift of healing.

While there is no humor in human suffering, when the chips are down, where are all the NARian faith healers? Why haven’t they flocked to Peter and Doris’ side and demonstrated their gift of healing for the world to see?

Could it be that the “signs and wonders” movement is all signs and no wonders? Perish the thought. How dare anyone even suggest such a thing! Those who do could be accused of “attacking the anointed” and “judging falsely” and acting like a “Pharisee”.

Trail of lies

Common sense dictates that if just one NARian had the Biblical gift of healing, he or she would jump at the chance to lay hands on Doris and Peter, and heal them from head-to-toe through the power of God. Since “teleporting” here and there is part of the signs and wonders movement, travel expenses would be kept to a bare minimum.

But it ain’t gonna happen! Hyper-Charismatics who are caught up in the “signs and wonders” movement demonstrate plenty of signs, but they leave people wondering what the heck is going on. Simply put, they do not have the Biblical gift of healing. Again, they do not have the Biblical gift of healing. The sick and dying show up to be healed, and they leave unhealed.

Faith healers can’t heal Peter and Doris, and Peter and Doris can’t heal each other. Therefore, Peter and Doris are forced to turn to the field of medicine for their healing.

All liars know that a lie must be backed-up with another lie to cover the first lie. This is one reason why heretics and false healers spew excuses, play spin-doctor, intimidate their followers, issue threats, and exercise damage control over their own words–and their followers eat it up! One lie leads to another lie, until the liar gets so confused that he or she can’t recall the lies. It is then when the liar becomes a pathological liar.

Liars work hard to cover their lying tracks, but they always leave their getaway cars in the front yard.

Finally, this update on the unhealthy state of Peter and Doris Wagner would not be complete without leaving the reader an important, but ironic, point to ponder: during C. Peter Wagner’s tenure at the Wagner Leadership Institute, he taught a course on “Divine Healing”. The “Course Description” states,
This is a classic foundational class on divine healing. Topics include performing the works of Jesus, the role of faith in healing, ways in which one can verify miracles, healing as it relates to God’s kingdom, healing as part of the atonement, and the substance of the anointing. ( )
Is there something wrong with this picture? C. Peter Wagner taught courses on divine healing, but he doesn’t have the gift of healing. Hmmm, perhaps he should enroll in his own course.

Shout out to C. Peter Wagner: Instructor, instruct thyself. Stop leading the sick and dying astray, and stop instructing a course on a gift you never had in the first place. Better yet, repent, be born again, publicly renounce the NAR and its false “Jesus,” and warn your fellow NARians to do the same.

Indeed, precious souls for who Jesus Christ died for hang in the balance.

“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness'” (Matthew 7:21-23).

touched by another spirit

I believe this scripture to be a great explanation when Christians become influenced by the demonic in it’s various forms of false teachings, impartations, practice of things pagan, and false prophetic words. I’ve found need to use it twice today, and feel it may be helpful for many others who have found themselves so influenced.

2 Corinthians 11:3-5

3 But I fear, lest somehow, as the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness, so your minds may be corrupted from the simplicity that is in Christ. 4 For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel which you have not accepted—you may well put up with it!

Dealing with its influence is as simple as repentance, asking the Lord to remove anything unholy that may have touched or influenced us.  It is first necessary to realize and to confess that our acceptance of and practice of these things not taught in scripture, or in excess of it, is sin.

1 John 1:9 If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. 10 If we say that we have not sinned, we make Him a liar, and His word is not in us.

God is faithful We not only have the assurance of forgiveness, but we hold fast to our confession – our hope.

Hebrews 10:19 Therefore, brethren, having boldness to enter the Holiest by the blood of Jesus, 20 by a new and living way which He consecrated for us, through the veil, that is, His flesh, 21 and having a High Priest over the house of God, 22 let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience and our bodies washed with pure water. 23 Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.

Being rooted and grounded in our faith, to God be the glory!

Ephesians 3:14 14 For this reason I bow my knees to the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,15 from whom the whole family in heaven and earth is named, 16 that He would grant you, according to the riches of His glory, to be strengthened with might through His Spirit in the inner man, 17 that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith; that you, being rooted and grounded in love, 18 may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height— 19 to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge; that you may be filled with all the fullness of God.
20 Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, 21 to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever.


The Lord is Mighty

Praise God!

So as we relearn the things which we should have from the beginning, we do well to realize the power and position of the mighty Lord in relation to the deceitfulness of satan, gaining a new perspective in the battle! The Lord is God!

Ephesians 1~

15 Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints,

16 do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers:

17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,

18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,

19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power

20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places,

21 far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come.

22 And he put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things which is the church,

23 which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all.

The Lord is God! Is there anything He cannot do? He is mighty to save!