Echo Zoe Interviews Sandy Simpson

Wow! Lookie what I found! – 🙂

For such men are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ.2 Corinthians 11:13

Sandy Simpson, of the Apologetics Coordination Team, joins me to discuss the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR). Sandy runs Deception in the Church, an extensive library of resources on the NAR and related movements and organizations.

Link to Echo Zoe  – article and podcast!

The Global Revival is here whether we like it or not

Another great article from Kathleen exposing the dangers of the false prophetic movement, aka the Global Revival. (Don’t the words Global Revival just sound creepy???)

Let’s look at the teachings of scripture vs. the teaching in this revival.

2Timothy 4.1-4 says: I solemnly charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by His appearing and His kingdom: preach the word; be ready in season and out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.  For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers  in accordance to their own desires, and will turn away their ears from the truth and will turn aside to myths.

Now instead of heeding this warning, many of these ministers including Bill Johnson of Bethel, Mike Bickle of IHOP, Patricia King of the Extreme Prophetic, Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries, are not teaching young believers to learn scripture and learn to rightfully divide the Word of Truth. They teach them that it is more important to experience “God’s love” and to listen to what he is “saying today.” They are taught to listen for prophetic words spoken to them by trained prophets. To listen to those who have been trained to be “led by the spirit.” They teach that people who have been trained in the supernatural are now able to be led by a new spirit. A spirit that is so new and so different that no one has a written guide book for this new thing God is doing. Those who are acting upon this new revelation are the “Radical glory forerunners”.

Don’t be fooled – Continue reading the truth….

The Global Revival

America and Christianity, a Parallel Slide Into Secret Places

This morning I’m considering the upcoming National Day of Prayer-what is slowly becoming America as Christianity slowly becomes something else. They seem to both be in parallel  state of change as neither has the appearance of what it once was or should still be.

America, heralded for so long as a country planted on Christian principles, established for the purpose of not only “religious” freedom, but one in which its people could freely worship God in the name of Jesus Christ. One in which its people would be free from religious prosecution, free to live the words of the bible, free to pray, free to worship in spirit and in truth. Without getting too far off here, I have to say I believe that to a degree as history proves that a group came from England for this very reason. But I also believe there were other groups establishing this country, who used the guise of Christianity, or at least the name of “God” and had a completely different plan,  one not of freedom, but of secrets. America having Christian roots is only partly true, but that is another topic for another time.

The National Day of Prayer was created by Congress in 1952. Since that time each of our presidents have honored and acknowledged that day as one for prayer.  This should be a good thing, right? All Christians coming together in various locations or in spirit to pray against the moral decay of our country and to pray for it’s leaders. It sounds like a good thing. Unfortunately, I have learned the hard way what seems to be Christian prayer isn’t necessarily.

With all that we have seen, and attributed to the great falling away, or the great apostasy, we know Christianity is under siege. I don’t know how else to say it. With the continued rising of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), the influence of Bethel (Bill Johnson), Morningstar (Rick Joyner and Todd Bentley), the International House of Prayer (Mike Bickle), The Call (Lou Engle),  and the influences of the Emergent Church (Brian McLaren, Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, Rob Bell, etc.), Saddleback (Rick Warren), the Word of Faith, Charismanina, Christianity as taught in the word of God is not up to par in this land. We have also seen, as I have warned about, many modes of “prayer” that we have been exposed to and taught are not modes of biblical prayer.

How  many of us have watched in horror as we have realized our churches are part of these supporters and even participants and teachers of false doctrines and methods? How many of us who once believed we knew the truth came to realize how far off  we really were? How many of us have watched our churches which at one time did not support these ways become taken in by them? I know there have been many. I’ve had quite a few commentors here say just that very thing. If you are one of them, know that my heart went out to you at that news and I have prayed for you and your church. I don’t take my readers lightly or for granted. You are dear to me as I know many of you are searching for the truth in the information I put up on my blog, as I once was too!

Some would say I am too focused on the negative. And to that I would say look at where we are at now. Look at the shipwreck of our faith, the very thing we were given to uphold and protect. Where is Christianity? It is being morphed into something else. So, while I am found to “find fault in everything”, I say where is the truth? If the Apostle Paul was to walk into any of these meeting places and hear the heresy, I dare to say some tables would overturn, in fact, if there would ever be a spiritual cause for an earthquake there it would be.  This is why I will not stand side by side with these false apostles and prophets under a guise of Christian prayer. And this is what we are seeing today in the upcoming National Day of Prayer.

Here is the link to their “ministry partners“.  Who are they? The International House of Prayer!!! The Call!!!  How about a little feel good wisdom from the wife of Normal Vincent Peale, Ruth Stafford Peale? I’m just wondering – where’s the yoga? Think that’s an outrageous question? It’s not far off, in light of the truth behind contemplative prayer’s roots in eastern mysticism found at IHOP, and the Emergent Church, taught innocently on the “Be Still” DVD.

We’ve already seen as I’ve written about the truth in the upcoming MayDay 2010 in which James Dobson joined forces with the NAR. So, am I surprised the National Day of Prayer has gone as far south? No. We’ve seen the push from Lou Engle and Dutch Sheets in the upcoming “Wilderness Outcry”, and Cindy Jacobs’ “Awakening”.

Listen, no one needs to grant us a day to pray. We pray because Jesus told us to pray, and He taught us how. Prayer should never be handled so lightly or so carelessly that is it a one day event, or as we have been seeing, a show. What is one day out of 365 anyway? What does that accomplish if the very next day all those who participated drift back into spiritual semi-consciousness without another thought of prayer?

If we are truly going to turn this nation, if that can even be done, or if it is the will of our Lord, we must change it through the hearts of it’s citizen’s through individual repentance. And that must start with Christians taking a stand against these who have come to steal away the true Faith!  America is indeed in meltdown, and Christianity along with it. And after all of these “days of prayer” I see just the opposite of what they’ve proposed. I see a steadfast decline in the leadership of our country and in the leadership of our churches and certainly a moral decline in both.

I see America drifting further and further away from its so called Christian roots and its established freedoms, and Christianity away from biblical truth. I have to wonder if the two don’t go hand in hand. As I mentioned in the beginning, some organizations and agendas in America were established long ago in secret. The same is to be said of the so called Christian organizations I spoke of here. They come in the name of the Lord, but after that are secrets. And, it is in what is not being said, or that which is not recognized as false that is the most dangerous.

So to steal their National Day of Prayer tag line, “For such a time as this”, let me say yes, for such a time has come to take a stand for all that is true, for Christ and our faith. It is time to expose these liars for what they are and to demand our churches and faith remains pure. For if Americans can see the erosion of their rights and freedoms, surely true Christians can see the same in regard to their faith. America is slipping away, as is Christianity, right before our very eyes. The truth for America is written in the pages of our constitution, just as the truth of Christianity is written in the pages of our bibles! Have we bothered to read or understand either of them? Or have we been taken in by lies forged in dark places?

I say “Father, Your will be done in this land, for You are sovereign”. I will pray on this day as I do on others. It will be a struggle, a discipline as it always is. However, I will not stand and approach my Father with these liars. I will stand against them in His courts for such a time as this, and if one day I perish, then so be it the will of my Father. Because I would much rather die with His words on my lips and His truth in my heart, than to be seen in “unity” with a well disguised wolf.

The Latter Rain Redivivus By Bob DeWaay

Mike Bickle and International House of Prayer
The Latter Rain Redivivus

By Bob DeWaay

Earlier this year the International House of Prayer (IHOP) sponsored a conference in Kansas City entitled Passion for Jesus that was heavily promoted toward young people. The purpose of the conference was to “cultivate intimacy with Jesus.” In the conference’s second session, IHOP president and director Mike Bickle preached a message based on an allegorical interpretation of a Matthew 25 parable in which he explained his end times theology and “revelation of the bridal paradigm.” Bickle claims that Jesus cannot return until something drastically changes in the church: “He is not coming any day. He is not coming until the people of God globally are crying out in intercession with a bridal identity under the anointing of the Spirit.1

Continue reading here.

Mike Bickle’s Romantic Jesus

In light of the recent joining between IHOP and other ministries also involving kids, I thought it would be good to link this article from Critical Issues Commentary.

Please, if you have children be ever so careful in jumping the gun in this “missions” quest. Pray and seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit. The Lord would never want one of His to become so entangled in the false practices going on with IHOP and the rest. The links provided will take you to the rest of the article.



Mike Bickle’s Romantic Jesus
IHOP’s Bridal Paradigm
ISSUE 107 – July / August 2008
Recently I was given a CD of Mike Bickle speaking to a youth group at the International House of Prayer (IHOP) Passion for Jesus Conference in Kansas City. Bickle is full of zeal and passion as he speaks of the “Bridegroom Jesus” he has found in the Song of Solomon through “spiritual interpretation.” The message is central to his ministry as IHOP sees this new revelation of the “Bridal Paradigm” being extremely important for individual Christians to grow in God …

IHOP Partners with Teen Mania

Email from International House of Prayer

From their registration page –

When sleeping Christians wake up, their eyes become open to the lost. It is recognizing the need others have for the gospel that then compels them to go, and ‘going’ is the life-blood of missions.

This is why Spiritual Awakenings fuel evangelism, and why they are the very epicenter of revivals around the world.

This is why IHOP is partnering with Global Expeditions: To give every student that has Encountered God a chance to Take Action.


See the buzz words  – When sleeping Christians Wake Up – meaning you are lacking in your faith, your relationship with your savior, lacking in your gifts etc., thereby creating the problem or a need just like in marketing.

Spiritual Awakenings – this is their solution to your lack of…and this is what they “sell” at their meetings as they preach everything except the true gospel, give impartations and the false end times – dominion/kingdom now theories. They believe Jesus will not return until Christians take the world over.

revivals around the world – their expected outcome

Remember, IHOP has partnered with Bethel (who some time ago “married”  – their wording – with Iris Ministries Rolland and Heidi Baker), and the Arnotts, (Toronto Blessing hosts), and Lou Engle.  It was said Mike Bickle (IHOP)  was to make a trip to Morningstar, home of Rick Joyner and Todd Bentley, altho I have not been able to determine if that has happened. These all follow the false prophecies of Bob Jones.

Save your children. Don’t let them be involved with these false teachers and prophets, who preach a false jesus, false gospel, and for Bickle, a false paradigm of the Bride of Christ, aka Bridal Paradigm.

What is the Spirit Speaking to the Church? . . . Reach the World!

At the recent onething‘09 conference Mike Bickle introduced a partnership between IHOP–KC and Teen Mania Ministries / Global Expeditions.

For over 23 years, Global Expeditions has taken young people and adults on short-term missions endeavors, in obedience to the command given by Jesus in Mark 16:15–18 to “go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.” As a result, over 1.3 million people have had the opportunity to hear the gospel, with hundreds of thousands making decisions to follow Jesus.

Throughout history, college and university campuses in our nation have been a catalyst for spiritual awakening. Since the 1700s our nation has witnessed multiple moves of the Holy Spirit that have touched and awakened students on college campuses. These movements often progressed beyond the campuses, resulting in a great number of souls being added to the kingdom of God. History also attests to a strong correlation between spiritual awakening and missionary movements among the lost. When the Holy Spirit awakens hearts, it requires a response, and that response carries the gospel forward.


As the Holy Spirit moves on our hearts, it is not for our sake alone. He empowers us to be effective witnesses and ministers of the gospel, in the power of the Spirit, just like the early church in the book of Acts. This is the mandate of the Church, the function of every follower of Christ.

What is our next step? We must take what we have—the good news of Jesus Christ—to those who have never heard. We can do this in our schools, in the marketplace, in our neighborhoods, but God often calls us to go further afield.


By partnering with a missionary movement. Through Global Expeditions, we invite you to take a short-term trip to minister the love of Jesus to the ends of the earth. The Great Commission commands us and the love of God compels us. Whether in New York, Panama, Scotland, or China, you can make an eternal difference in the lives of those you encounter while having the adventure of a lifetime.

Visit or call 1.877.745.8336 to find out more.

With passion for Jesus,
IHOP–KC Leadership Team

International House of Prayer, 3535 E. Red Bridge Road, Kansas City, MO 64137

This email was sent to you via the International House of Prayer web site.

Let’s Pray

I’ve been reading around some and found that Mike Bickle from IHOP was to give  a prophetic word (I think tonight) at Rick Joyner’s church, Morningstar.  This is also the hang out of Todd Bentley, you know, the infamous Florida Outpouring nut whose claim to healing ministry is to kick, hit and assault his victims WWE style. I saw his twitter (iamtoddbentley) earlier that “something” is happening, revival, etc., the usual blurb.  I see on the Morningstar website they are advertising “Outpouring” meetings. So here we are again. And we knew it was coming.

Recently, I listened to a prophetic word at Morningstar given by Cindy Jacobs. She is very militant in her style and this word had some military points. I started to transcribe it, but just couldn’t make myself do it.

So I am thinking of this word, along with Rick Joyner’s prophecy or dream some time back about the bloody war between the gray coats (those who believe in scripture) and the blue coats (those who believe in experience).  Ok, someone else who has a little more Joyner background can probably quote this better than what I just did. I never read his stuff. So, if you know anything more, feel free to comment.

In addition, during the converging of these other rivers…IHOP, Bethel, Toronto, I started to wonder where is Todd Bentley, seeing as he was prophesied as the next wave, joined with Toronto and all these guys stuck by him after his fall.  And then I began to wonder, where is Bob Jones??? He is the main driving prophetic voice behind all of this.  Then I saw tonight  – Morningstar  – there on video giving a prophetic word about breaking off curses!  (More WOF stuff – in which a person speaking negatively about another forms a word curse with the power to do harm. Something like witchcraft. And if the curse is broken off or commanded to go! then the person is free from the curse and it’s harm.)  Never mind that Jesus Christ became the curse for us tho. Not for these guys, they have to do it their own way.

So here we are.

I am not going to bother with linking videos or going through who says what or why it’s wrong. I will put a couple of links to direct you and leave it at that. However, if you would like to comment on what you see, hear, etc. please do.

One thing, the most important thing is that we pray. These people aren’t coming together for a tea party, even tho there is a mad hatter behind it all. This militant stuff (if you listen to Jacobs you will see the connection) is bothering me more than the rest. This is not the first time I have considered that true Christians may be persecuted by those who claim Christ, but follow the false one.  So many of us have experienced their backlash when we have stood for the truth. We have experienced their “love” which isn’t love at all.

The culmination of all of these groups coming together under the guise of Christianity is precedent over anything before – ever. Many people are excited and revved up about his happening. They see God in this. They see revival. But because of all the false prophecy and teaching, the false signs and wonders, the backgrounds and associations of these leaders – I do not see God there with them. I do not. And, I don’t see this calming down at all from this point forward.  Regardless, we need direction from our Father. We need His protection. These deluded people need to repent and to be restored to holiness, to righteousness. And there is only One who can do that. It will not come from prophetic decrees and declarations. It will not come from angels. We cannot speak this into existence. It will only come when the veil of deception is ripped off their eyes and they become aware of their own sin. It will only come through the mighty power and presence of our God.  For those of us who have been there, we know what it will take.

Our God is mighty to save! So, please, let’s pray.

Here are your links:

Morningstar Website

Prophetic Words (Bob Jones, Cindy Jacobs)

Fresh Fire Ministries – Todd Bentley

and still more bad water continues to flow together…

Email from International House of Prayer

Dear Friends,

As you may know, John and Carol Arnott were with us in Kansas City a few weeks ago at our awakening services. They have some upcoming conferences that we’d like to let you know about.

IHOP–KC Leadership Team

newnewnew Toronto Pastors and Leaders Conference

January 19–22, with Bill Johnson, C. Peter Wagner, and John and Carol ArnottThere is a new wave of revival quickly spreading; now is the time to get ready!

Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship (TACF) is excited to announce that Bill Johnson and C. Peter Wagner will be speaking at their Pastors and Leaders Conference, January 19–22.

Gather with pastors and leaders from around the world in this great moment of preparation. You will be blessed to hear Bill Johnson and C. Peter Wagner who both have outstanding messages for leaders at this time in history.

This conference is a time for you to receive, so TACF is offering prophetic ministry for all senior pastors. Don’t miss this opportunity to have your spirit refreshed, your mind challenged, and your faith uplifted.

Sign up today!


Unveiling Conference
May 12–15, with Mike Bickle, Heidi Baker, and John and Carol Arnott

It is time for Christians from all over the world to join together and seek after God with hunger and anticipation for what He has in store for us. It is time for many houses to work together, with all God’s people ready for the harvest.

This year, TACF’s Unveiling Conference will be a time when three streams of revival (TACF, IHOP Kansas City, and Iris Ministries) join together in one accord to seek after the kingdom of God and to listen to what the voice of God is saying at this time. Join many from around the world to chase after our Bridegroom and set our hearts on His love for us and His plan for our lives in the next season.

Mike Bickle and Heidi Baker, along with John and Carol Arnott, are fervently seeking God in this season which many believe are the end times. They are all crying out for the Spirit of God to reach people everywhere, and that the prophetic voice of God’s people will bring change to our cities and nations.

This conference will be packed with amazing worship, cutting-edge teaching from powerful men and women of God, and practical workshops to strengthen your walk with God. Don’t miss out on this chance to be impacted by God. Sign up today.

Click here for more information.

International House of Prayer, 3535 E. Red Bridge Road, Kansas City, MO 64137

This email was sent to you via the International House of Prayer web site.
If you do not wish to receive further emails, please click here.

More Bad Water

Related previous articles

Another False Move Meeting

The Convergence of Bad Rivers

Spiritual drunkenness. Want to see what a drunk looks like?  Go to a bar and watch and then watch this video. It’s the same bodily movements and descriptions. Carol Arnott – the more she speaks the more she gets knocked by that spirit. It is not the Holy Spirit, but do you think those in the audience care?  And her husband John who says they’ve had more fun in the last 15 years than is probably legal. Really? Tell that to Christians in other countries who are tortured or martyred for their genuine faith.

Here are a couple of my articles that address these issues if you haven’t already read them:

Another Spirit

Spiritual Drunkenness

I’ve avoided the whole John Crowder/Benjamin Dunn scene because they are so disgusting they are beyond mention. If you want to watch them “toke the ghost” you can find them on youtube easily enough. I can’t get into it here as I find their videos to be nothing but an outright mockery of God.

Their women are teaming with Beni Johnson (Bethel) to do a women’s conference –  Girls Just Want To Have Fun (wasn’t that a Madonna song?  Oops nope. It’s Cyndi Lauper, but of course the most recent recording is Miley Cyrus! Who do you think these Crowder women are getting these messages from?)

Crowder says “its like girls gone wild in the glory”.  Is that supposed to be some kind of compliment?  Or maybe it’s telling of  just what kind of spirit is behind this movement. Then there’s the list of women throughout history who have impacted revival. hmmm.. Whose revival?

Still don’t think Bethel is going contemplative? Crowder is. Listen to the description of his upcoming conferences toward the end of the vid. Birds of a feather…

If you can bear it, watch the video. It links to their own youtube site.

Girls Gone Wild Just Want To Have Fun (links to vid)

Crowder at John Alexander Dowie’s grave (links to vid) and will give an idea of where he gets his “anointing”. (I’m having problems with this link but you can find it on his right sidebar if it doesn’t pop up.)

When I saw IHOP, Bethel and John Arnott (Toronto Blessing) team together I thought that was it. No. Bethel teaming with the Crowder/Dunn gang is beyond it. But, I fear it is still only the beginning. So, if its ok to be drunk in the spirit, now they will be wasted in the spirit. What an outrage before our God!  What vain imaginations!

They say that abortion is the ruination of America, God is judging. But, what about the outright mockery these people have made of Him? We may need to rethink exactly what it is God will judge us for. Lou Engle and all that hot air going out on abortion and his solemn assemblies…He’s right there in the mix.

These people claim faith in the Jesus Christ who died for their sins, the One who made it possible to connect them back into relationship with God the Father. Yet they deny Him with their words of false teaching and prophecy. They deny the true person of the Holy Spirit.  What is left for them now? Their Savior has already come. Who is left to save them?

The Convergence of Bad Rivers

The Next Great Awakening, from CBN (watch video from link)

KANSAS CITY, Mo. – Thousands of people have been packing into special services at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, Mo. They’re lured by the presence of God that has been falling upon the place over and over again since Nov. 11. Many have been healed, some physically, but plenty more emotionally and spiritually.

Now the question hanging over this visitation of the Holy Spirit: is this the start of something really big? Could this be the next Great Awakening? (Visitation of the Holy Spirit?)

Pastor Alan Koch from nearby Lee’s Summit, Mo., hopes so. He remembers what he heard at a global charismatic conference Kansas City hosted back in the 1970s.

“One of the prophecies that came out was that there were going to be spokes that were going to be going out to the nations, but the focus of that, the center was Kansas City,” he recalled.

When this move of God hit IHOP, the leaders immediately invited John and Carol Arnott of the 15-year-long Toronto Renewal and Bill and Benni Johnson of Redding, California’s miracle-packed Bethel Church to come check out what the Lord’s doing in Kansas City.  (See this:

At a jammed IHOP renewal service, Benni Johnson recalled a prophetic word given around 1909 by William Seymour, leader of the 1906 Azusa Street Revival: “He said ‘In another hundred years, there’s going to be another great outpouring. It’s going to be a Great Outpouring.”

“You do the math,” Johnson said. “We’re in that season now.”

Angelic Encounter

Johnson also shared a story told by a Welsh student at Bethel’s School of Supernatural Ministry. A woman from Wales described a wild encounter she had with an angel at the chapel where the great 1904 Welsh Revival began.

“She turned around and she saw a huge, huge angel. She said the foot of the angel was as large as the chapel. It was that big,” Johnson recalled. “And she actually had the nerve to talk to this angel, and said, ‘Are you the angel of this next Great Awakening?’ And he said, ‘No, I’m the angel of the 1904 Awakening. But there is another one coming. And it is bigger and it is greater.'”

Rivers of Revival Come Together

Carol Arnott shared the prophecy one of her most trusted Christian friends gave her about a year ago.

“Carol, the three rivers, Kansas City, Redding and Toronto, must come together. The three rivers must come together for what God wants to do in this next move,” Arnott remembered.

Johnson had something else prophetic to tell IHOP. “I woke up a year ago,” she said, “Woke up with this word: ‘Pray for IHOP, I’m about to do something.'”

“I felt that there was something strategic that was going to be happening,” Johnson explained. “This is perfect timing in God’s kingdom. And I’m so excited to see what God is doing here and in so many other places.”

As Johnson and Arnott shared, IHOP founder Mike Bickle said he had no knowledge of such prophecies when he invited the Arnotts and Johnsons to come support the Kansas City renewal as it began. A sense of awe filled the stage as the leaders of the three ministries realized God had already been weaving the three together prophetically long before they thought to come together in Kansas City.

Among The Young

IHOP is cheering such stories and prophecies. It also considers it a major sign that this awakening began in its Bible school among young people, and that it’s spreading rapidly to other college campuses via IHOP’s webcast. That’s because over the years many awakenings have begun at colleges and with the young.

“He is getting the heart of the next generation,” IHOP-U’s president Allen Hood said of the Lord. “When He wants to begin an awakening, He begins to get the heart of the college-age students.”

IHOP-U’s provost, Wes Hall said it’s significant God has been doing deep spiritual surgery among the young people, excising sins and hurts and brokenness.

“The Lord is setting them free from these heavy yokes so that they can be free to minister God’s love out of a real experience that His love is real, and His freedom is real. It’s not just a concept that the blood of Jesus makes you clean,” Hall explained.

His Goodness

Bethel’s Bill Johnson said it’s just a start for what God wants to show the world.

“There’s a realm and a measure of blessing that the Lord wants to release into the Earth that has never been seen before. Hosea chapter 3 says that in the latter days there will be a fear of God because of His goodness…because of His goodness,” he explained. (Pardon, but my bible does not use the word BECAUSE. In Hosea 3:8, it reads, Afterward the children of Israel shall return and seek the Lord their God and David their king. They shall fear the Lord and His goodness in the latter days.)

“There’s something about His goodness that’s going to strike us to the core, and bring a yieldedness that we’ve never been able to get any other way. He’s about to overwhelm and overtake,” Johnson said. (This is not the character of the Lord God to “overwhelm” or to “overtake”.)

Toronto’s John Arnott added a serious warning. One of the quickest ways to squelch revival is to be offended at the controversial signs and behavior that often accompany it.

He recalled how critics blasted Toronto’s renewal and the wild behaviors sometimes exhibited even as hundreds of thousands of people were getting saved and revived.

“It just baffled me,” Arnott said. “I’m looking around saying, ‘What’s not to like?’ So somebody fell down or somebody shouted. Come on! It’s so much deeper than that. It’s the life of God in the heart of His people setting them on fire with passion for Jesus.'”  (Arnott is indeed baffled, led astray from this devious, deceitful spirit he chases. Manifestations such as falling down, shaking, flailing limbs are not indicative of the presence of the Holy Spirit. So, yes, John Arnott, we are offended!)

Signs That Can Offend

Some IHOP staffers and students confess they were offended when they first saw some of their fellow IHOPers falling and laughing and shaking wildly under the influence of the Spirit.

Longtime Christian Crystal Camacho described her reaction the first day of the awakening.

“I am cynical, because people are rolling and laughing,” she said. “And I’m kind of like ‘Is this what revival looks like? If so, I’m offended.'”

But God brought the IHOP staffer and student up short the next day as she was praying for someone else to be freed from a judgmental, religious spirit.

“And I was like ‘God I pray that you set her free from religion,’ but I hear the Lord say, ‘Crystal, how can you pray for someone’s freedom and yet you are in the same bondage?,'” she asked.

Then Camacho surrendered herself to God, asked for prayer from others at the renewal and was soon knocked out in the Spirit. She came up shaking in the Lord for hours and it’s been happening frequently ever since.

“From 6 p.m. to 4 a.m. I could not stop shaking under the presence of the Lord, and I was filled with joy!” she exclaimed. “And it’s non-stop. Like even when I’m sleeping, I’ll wake up with just bursts of laughter.”  (Laughter or hysteria? I don’t understand the idea that we can be in Christ Who has made us free and yet be in bondage.  What a lie. Her original “offense” was her first clue something was truly wrong there!)

A Hub for Worldwide Revival?

This willingness to surrender to God, no matter the cost. seems to be a serious sign many at IHOP and involved in the renewal are ready to be used on a wider stage. And IHOP’s in an extremely strategic position to become a hub for worldwide revival.

The ministry has been sending prayer and worship up to God 24-hours a day for 10 solid years now, and it has more than 70 people in its media department to feed that worship across the Earth over TV and the Web.

That ability to broadcast made last year’s Lakeland revival the first one to go global almost immediately.

“When God pours out His Spirit today, we saw from Lakeland, that it’ll go around the world just like that,” Hood said, snapping his fingers. “What’s exciting about that is that with one outpouring, the global bride of Christ can get awakened and set on fire.”


It is true we are seeing something come together between IHOP, Bethel, Lakeland, stemming from the Toronto Blessing lies of the “latter rain” and their false prophets and false doctrines.  Pray that the truth of these movements be evident to all.

If you are involved in these movements and gatherings, what you experience is not the latest move of God, not His presence or His love. It is a false spirit. Forget about how good it feels and how much you giggle. Read your bible, specifically about the work of the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer,  and get away from this masquerading one.

True revivals are about repentance and the need for salvation! False revivals are all about the person, their destiny, falling down and feeling drunk! Big difference.

Holy Spirit articles here