around and around the seven mountains we go

Pray and A.C.T.

And so we have yet another gathering of Catholics and Evangelicals, (ala Bill Bright’s unity theory) joining  with false prophets, teachers and politicians to fast and pray. The prayer and fasting for 40 days and 40 nights will be in large gathering places and broadcast on notGodtv (false prophet Wendy Alec supported and broadcast Bentley’s “Outpouring”).  Once again an attempt is being made to turn America back to its Godly covenental roots/heritage/destiny. (See link above.)

Lou Engle believes that because God performed various things in 40 days or 40 years that there is a correlation between the 1960’s and this year, as there is a span of 40 years in between. (Actually, they started harping on this in 2008 because that marked a 40 year period since the “summer of love” in 1968.  Well, the 40 year period has come and gone 2 years ago by my calculation. It didn’t work. But, it’s kinda sorta still 40 years, so why not keep on it, right?) It is a grave mistake to expect God to perform in a way that is against His plan or will. Irreprerable damage has been done to the faith – believers, ministires, churches and families – out of man’s expectation or imagination of “what God is doing now”.

Engle thinks our country has been in a downfall since the 60’s. Well, I have news Lou, sin existed way before that, it just became more open and free. People did drugs and had sex and were slothful way before 1968. They were just more inclined to do it behind closed doors. Besides, shortly after the beginning there was a garden…

Listen, prayer and voting are very good things and we should make our requests known to God and voice our opinions and expectations of our leaders who are in fact servants of the people. To this I will add most of them have forgotten that! But this group of people are not following the way of the Lord in dilligently seeking Him and His ways. They twist the bible to say what they want it to, they prophecy false words and mislead untold numbers. That is not a good thing for anyone regardless of the good intentions they may have or seem to have.

Jim Garlow, Chuck Colson, Mike Huckabee and Lou Engle joining forces…

Friends, we as a nation will now determine which way the door will swing.  We face unprecedented challenges to three foundational principles of justice and the common good:

  • The sanctity of human life in all stages and conditions
  • The sacredness of marriage as the covenantal union of husband and wife
  • The right to religious liberty and respect for conscience

These principles are moral treasures of our civilization.  They have played indispensable roles in preserving the great experiment in republican government and ordered liberty bequeathed to us by the Founders of our Nation.

We must work tireless in all the “seven spheres of cultural influence:” (1) the home, (2) the church, (3) civil government / law / military, (4) business / technology, (5) education, (6) media, and finally (7) arts / entertainment / professional sports.

(I hadn’t realized those three items were a part of a great experiment. I thought they were given to us by God – to not murder is a commandment, marriage is between husband and wife only, and yes, America does provide the freedom to worship …but to say these are experiments…hmmm

Seven spheres means the seven mountains which spells dominionism…and you know what that means…the NAR is here again. AND see how they carved out “professional sports”. Where would America BE without football, baseball, basketball and hockey?)

Yes, yes this is all tied in with the Manhattan Declaration which they are asking all participants to sign.

Here’s the cast list:

Che Ahn, Harvest International Ministry

Vonette Bright, Co-Founder, Campus Crusade for Christ International

Bishop Keith Butler, Founding Pastor, Word of Faith International Christian Center

Jim Daly, President & CEO, Focus on the Family

Lou Engle, TheCall to Conscience, TheCall

Father Joseph Fessio, Editor in Chief, Ignatius Press, San Francisco

Maggie Gallagher, National Organization for Marriage

Professor Robert George, Princeton University

Professor Timothy George, Dean, Beeson Divinity School

Jack Hayford, Founder and Chancellor, The King’s College and Seminary

Mike Huckabee, Former Governor of Arkansas & Host, The Mike Huckabee Show

Bishop Harry Jackson, Jr., High Impact Leadership Coalition

Cindy Jacobs, Generals International

Alveda King, Silent No More Awareness Campaign

Richard Land, The Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission

Ron Luce, Founder, Teen Mania & Battle Cry

Bishop Richard Malone, Roman Catholic Diocese of Portland (Maine)

Eva Muntean & Dolores Meehan, Co-Founders, West Coast Walk for Life, San Francisco

Penny Nance, Concerned Women for America

Tony Perkins, Family Research Council

James Robison, Life Outreach International

Samuel Rodriguez, National Hispanic Christian Leadership Conference

Alan Sears, Alliance Defense Fund

Chuck Stetson, Let’s Strengthen Marriage Campaign

Steve Strang, Publisher, Charisma magazine

Tim Wildmon, American Family Association

Jay Richards, Senior Fellow, Discovery Institute

I believe we would have much more success in turning this nation if people who claimed to stand for God would simply preach the gospel. Change can only happen through repentance and in following Christ. He is the only one who can change a heart. When the heart is changed so are decisions. Fasting and prayer alone will not do the job, not to mention the fact that Jesus warned against public and repetitive prayer and fasting. God gives everyone a free will to make their own life choices and He will not violate that free will regardless of all the prayers for Him to do so. It is only through Christ that we are free.

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17

I didn’t want to spend a whole lot of writing on this as I’ve already done that in other articles although there is a lot going on here. It’s mostly just a head’s up to what is taking place and who again is joining forces in false doctrine. Remember dominionism taught by the NAR is a false doctrine that teaches believers Christ cannot return until they take the world over (take dominion) for His kingdom. This is accomplished using their gifts through the seven mountains of influence. There is no truth in their doctrine which truly denies the supremacy of Christ.

Pray for those who are caught up in this dangerous false teaching and blinded from seeing the truth.

More reading:


Prayer Rally

Lou Engle

Cindy Jacobs

James Dobson

Ron Luce

The Alignment of Political America and the NAR

I’ve been watching and writing about the heretical teachings of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) for a few months, not being sure why it seemed to be so important to do so. I don’t have a lot of experience with them because I never really “got” Chuck Pierce at all. However, there are some other prophets and apostles in this madhouse that I did follow (Cal Pierce, Cindy Jacobs, Dutch Sheets) and I guess that was enough for the Lord to impress on me the need for exposure.

Last night I began to come across some very good information offered by organizations who have researched the NAR much longer than I have. I am stunned to see the newly formed connection between political America and the demonic agenda of the NAR. No longer can it be confined only to a strange few. Follow the links I posted below – read and listen with great care. Yes, it will take some time as there is a lot of information. But, so important. You will see the connection between C Peter Wagner’s NAR and some of our government officials under the guise of patriotism and Godly values. It is time for great concern for those who will not join this movement, this building of a whole new “kingdom”.  Suddenly I understand the comments I read by those who were greatly concerned about Wilderness Outcry. What will this lead to? Are we ready to stand?

Now to Him who is able to keep you from stumbling, and present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, to God our Savior Who alone is wise, be glory and majesty, dominion and power, both now and forever. Amen. Jude 24-25

Apprising Ministries -Mayday and the New Apostolic Reformation

In response to the May Day event held this past Saturday at the Lincoln Memorial, Ingrid (Schlueter) and Sarah (Leslie) brought to listener attention a movement known as the New Apostolic Reformation. This title was coined by C. Peter Wagner during the 1990’s.

Featuring teachers such as Dutch Sheets, Cindy Jacobs and false prophetess Stacy Campbell, the New Apostolic Reformation is centered around a theology of dominionism. It teaches that Christians can take down demonic spirits in order to take back territories and institutions for Christ. The movement is post-millennial believing that Jesus will not return until Christians take over the 7 Mountains.

These “mountains” are institutions like the media, entertainment, the economy, etc. In other words, their eschatology requires that instead of reaching people with the gospel one heart at a time, they believe they are to conquer the earth one demonic spirit at a time and make the earth perfect so that Jesus can return. (Online source)

You can download and/or listen to this Crosstalk program right here.

Right Wing Watch – Mayday on the Mall

May Day 2010 has been organized around the “Seven Mountains” theology, which advocates the complete takeover of every aspect of contemporary culture by modern day “apostles” of Christ. The theology is rooted in the belief that Christians are meant to have dominion over literally everything and is focused on spiritually “invading” seven specific facets of modern life in order to wrest control away from Satan and his demonic spirits so that Christians can put them to use in bringing about God’s kingdom on Earth: (1) Business; (2) Government; (3) Media; (4) Arts and Entertainment; (5) Education; (6) Family; and (7) Religion.

Herescope :

The Coalescing of the Christian Right with Apostolic Dominion

The American political landscape has suddenly changed. A tumult is appearing in the land with the passage of health care reform. The Christian Right, with its years of courting political influence, is now poised to merge with the new Tea Party Movement. In times of crisis, natural or caused, things seem to happen faster and opportunities, that would take years, seem to happen in months. There is the scent of rebellion in the air.

R&R Revival and Revolt

Initially The Tea Party was populist, libertarian, limited government, anti-socialism and lower taxes, etc. But the first ever National Tea Party Conference in Nashville in February revealed that there has always been an overlap with Christian Right social issues. The Tea Party movement is in danger of being co-opted by the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and its radical agenda. Do the Tea Party folks realize what they are getting into?

More on the Outcry

I’ve recently found out that Against the Outcry (a group blog who spoke out against Dutch Sheets’ Wilderness Outcry and who posted some of my articles) will be closing their blog soon . Since the Wilderness Outcry has been canceled, the blog has served it’s purpose. If you have been planning on doing some reading but haven’t made it over there yet you may want to visit soon before it is gone.

update – Against the Outcry is no longer available and has been removed from my blogroll since the writing of this article.

It has been our hope and prayer that those following Dutch would have had the opportunity to view the material posted and have seen the truth. It has been said that there is a group of “intercessors” who have claimed a new purpose in going to “god” to find out who was behind that effort. This is nothing short of evil. And to raise up a group of intercessors for the purpose of what… I cannot say or imagine what they are thinking! Where could this lead?

And as a side note, good for them! As Americans they have the right to stand against this craziness coming to their own city, to stand and say this will not happen where I live and work and pay taxes, this will not happen where I raise my children!

Please pray for the safety of those involved and for the salvation of those who participated  purely for domestic reasons and do not know Christ. What must it look like when groups like these come in the name of Christ and yet do not speak His gospel, yet speak of an effort to take over the country, forcing others to join..or…what…be imprisoned…die?  This  has been the concern of some who have spoken against this gathering of Dutch’s followers. They wonder what will become of them if they do not join forces and “convert”.  How much does this resemble Islam? How about socialism?

My reasons  for speaking against this movement and the NAR as a whole can be found throughout my blog, so I won’t restate them here. I can say the cancellation of this meeting was in fact an answer to prayer. What right does this group have to instill fear in the minds and hearts of those who believe differently than they? What right do they have to twist the meaning of the gospel – the very reason Christ died – for their own realized fulfillment of some dream or vision?

What is Christianity coming to?

For anyone reading with this same concern, please know that it is not the way of Jesus Christ to force His teachings on anyone. We have all been given a free will to decide whether or not to follow Christ.  In His own words He told His disciples that His kingdom is not of this world.  And so anyone supporting a dominion  – take over the country or world for the sake of holiness /righteousness/purity – viewpoint has not come in the name of Christ, no matter what else they say.

But Christ did die, for all of us. And one day their will be a judgment of how we lived our lives and who for. So I beg you, on that day find yourselves counted among those who stood for Christ!

John 18:36 My Kingdom is not of this world. If My kingdom were of this world my servants would fight so that I would not be delivered unto the Jews. But now My kingdom is not from here.

Romans 5:8  But God demonstrates His own love for us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.

John 14:6 I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the Father except through Me.

Revelation 22:12 And behold, I am coming quickly, and My reward is with Me, to give to every one according to his work.

America and Christianity, a Parallel Slide Into Secret Places

This morning I’m considering the upcoming National Day of Prayer-what is slowly becoming America as Christianity slowly becomes something else. They seem to both be in parallel  state of change as neither has the appearance of what it once was or should still be.

America, heralded for so long as a country planted on Christian principles, established for the purpose of not only “religious” freedom, but one in which its people could freely worship God in the name of Jesus Christ. One in which its people would be free from religious prosecution, free to live the words of the bible, free to pray, free to worship in spirit and in truth. Without getting too far off here, I have to say I believe that to a degree as history proves that a group came from England for this very reason. But I also believe there were other groups establishing this country, who used the guise of Christianity, or at least the name of “God” and had a completely different plan,  one not of freedom, but of secrets. America having Christian roots is only partly true, but that is another topic for another time.

The National Day of Prayer was created by Congress in 1952. Since that time each of our presidents have honored and acknowledged that day as one for prayer.  This should be a good thing, right? All Christians coming together in various locations or in spirit to pray against the moral decay of our country and to pray for it’s leaders. It sounds like a good thing. Unfortunately, I have learned the hard way what seems to be Christian prayer isn’t necessarily.

With all that we have seen, and attributed to the great falling away, or the great apostasy, we know Christianity is under siege. I don’t know how else to say it. With the continued rising of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR), the influence of Bethel (Bill Johnson), Morningstar (Rick Joyner and Todd Bentley), the International House of Prayer (Mike Bickle), The Call (Lou Engle),  and the influences of the Emergent Church (Brian McLaren, Richard Foster, Dallas Willard, Rob Bell, etc.), Saddleback (Rick Warren), the Word of Faith, Charismanina, Christianity as taught in the word of God is not up to par in this land. We have also seen, as I have warned about, many modes of “prayer” that we have been exposed to and taught are not modes of biblical prayer.

How  many of us have watched in horror as we have realized our churches are part of these supporters and even participants and teachers of false doctrines and methods? How many of us who once believed we knew the truth came to realize how far off  we really were? How many of us have watched our churches which at one time did not support these ways become taken in by them? I know there have been many. I’ve had quite a few commentors here say just that very thing. If you are one of them, know that my heart went out to you at that news and I have prayed for you and your church. I don’t take my readers lightly or for granted. You are dear to me as I know many of you are searching for the truth in the information I put up on my blog, as I once was too!

Some would say I am too focused on the negative. And to that I would say look at where we are at now. Look at the shipwreck of our faith, the very thing we were given to uphold and protect. Where is Christianity? It is being morphed into something else. So, while I am found to “find fault in everything”, I say where is the truth? If the Apostle Paul was to walk into any of these meeting places and hear the heresy, I dare to say some tables would overturn, in fact, if there would ever be a spiritual cause for an earthquake there it would be.  This is why I will not stand side by side with these false apostles and prophets under a guise of Christian prayer. And this is what we are seeing today in the upcoming National Day of Prayer.

Here is the link to their “ministry partners“.  Who are they? The International House of Prayer!!! The Call!!!  How about a little feel good wisdom from the wife of Normal Vincent Peale, Ruth Stafford Peale? I’m just wondering – where’s the yoga? Think that’s an outrageous question? It’s not far off, in light of the truth behind contemplative prayer’s roots in eastern mysticism found at IHOP, and the Emergent Church, taught innocently on the “Be Still” DVD.

We’ve already seen as I’ve written about the truth in the upcoming MayDay 2010 in which James Dobson joined forces with the NAR. So, am I surprised the National Day of Prayer has gone as far south? No. We’ve seen the push from Lou Engle and Dutch Sheets in the upcoming “Wilderness Outcry”, and Cindy Jacobs’ “Awakening”.

Listen, no one needs to grant us a day to pray. We pray because Jesus told us to pray, and He taught us how. Prayer should never be handled so lightly or so carelessly that is it a one day event, or as we have been seeing, a show. What is one day out of 365 anyway? What does that accomplish if the very next day all those who participated drift back into spiritual semi-consciousness without another thought of prayer?

If we are truly going to turn this nation, if that can even be done, or if it is the will of our Lord, we must change it through the hearts of it’s citizen’s through individual repentance. And that must start with Christians taking a stand against these who have come to steal away the true Faith!  America is indeed in meltdown, and Christianity along with it. And after all of these “days of prayer” I see just the opposite of what they’ve proposed. I see a steadfast decline in the leadership of our country and in the leadership of our churches and certainly a moral decline in both.

I see America drifting further and further away from its so called Christian roots and its established freedoms, and Christianity away from biblical truth. I have to wonder if the two don’t go hand in hand. As I mentioned in the beginning, some organizations and agendas in America were established long ago in secret. The same is to be said of the so called Christian organizations I spoke of here. They come in the name of the Lord, but after that are secrets. And, it is in what is not being said, or that which is not recognized as false that is the most dangerous.

So to steal their National Day of Prayer tag line, “For such a time as this”, let me say yes, for such a time has come to take a stand for all that is true, for Christ and our faith. It is time to expose these liars for what they are and to demand our churches and faith remains pure. For if Americans can see the erosion of their rights and freedoms, surely true Christians can see the same in regard to their faith. America is slipping away, as is Christianity, right before our very eyes. The truth for America is written in the pages of our constitution, just as the truth of Christianity is written in the pages of our bibles! Have we bothered to read or understand either of them? Or have we been taken in by lies forged in dark places?

I say “Father, Your will be done in this land, for You are sovereign”. I will pray on this day as I do on others. It will be a struggle, a discipline as it always is. However, I will not stand and approach my Father with these liars. I will stand against them in His courts for such a time as this, and if one day I perish, then so be it the will of my Father. Because I would much rather die with His words on my lips and His truth in my heart, than to be seen in “unity” with a well disguised wolf.

A Little Info on the Nazirite

RE: Lou Engle, The Call, and the upcoming Wilderness Outcry and his obsession with the Nazirite,  just for kicks here’s a quick look at “Nazirite from Wikpedia

Not to be confused with Nazarene (sect) or Nasorean.

In the Hebrew Bible, a nazirite or nazarite, (in Hebrew: נזיר, nazir), refers to one who took the ascetic vow described in Numbers 6:1-21

. The term “nazirite” comes from the Hebrew word nazir meaning “consecrated” or “separated”.[1] This vow required the man or woman to:

  • Abstain from wine, wine vinegar, grapes, raisins, and according to some — alcohol[2] and vinegar from alcohol
  • Refrain from cutting the hair on one’s head
  • Avoid corpses and graves, even those of family members, and any structure which contains such

After following these requirements for a designated period of time (which would be specified in the individual’s vow, and not to be less than 30 days), the person would immerse in a Mikvah and make three offerings, a lamb as a burnt offering (olah), a ewe as a sin-offering (hatat), and a ram as a peace offering (shelamim), in addition to a basket of unleavened bread, grain offerings and drink offerings, which accompanied the peace offering.

The nazirite is described as being “holy unto the LORD” (Numbers 6:8), yet at the same time must bring a sin offering. This contradiction has led to divergent approaches to the nazirite in the Talmud, and later authorities.

A nazirite can groom his hair with his hand or scratch his head and needn’t be concerned if some hair falls out. However a nazirite cannot comb his hair since it is a near certainty to pull out some hair. A nazirite is not allowed to use a chemical depilatory that will remove hair.[16] A nazirite that recovers from Tzaraath, a skin disease described in Leviticus 14

A nazirite can groom his hair with his hand or scratch his head and needn’t be concerned if some hair falls out. However a nazirite cannot comb his hair since it is a near certainty to pull out some hair. A nazirite is not allowed to use a chemical depilatory that will remove hair.[16] A nazirite that recovers from Tzaraath, a skin disease described in Leviticus 14

A nazirite can groom his hair with his hand or scratch his head and needn’t be concerned if some hair falls out. However a nazirite cannot comb his hair since it is a near certainty to pull out some hair. A nazirite is not allowed to use a chemical depilatory that will remove hair.[16] A nazirite that recovers from Tzaraath, a skin disease described in Leviticus 14, is obligated to cut his hair despite being a nazirite.

The nazirite (except for a Samson-like nazirite as stated above) may not become ritually impure by proximity to a dead body. Causes include being under the same roof as a corpse. However a nazirite can contract other kinds of ritual impurity. A nazirite that finds an unburied corpse is obligated to bury it, even though he will become defiled in the process.[

The tradition of the nazirite vow has had a significant influence on the modern Rastafari Movement, and elements of the vow have been adopted as part of this religion. In describing the obligations of their religion, Rastafari make reference to the nazirite vow taken by Samson. Part of this vow, as adopted by the Rastafari, is to avoid the cutting of one’s hair. This is inspired by the text of Leviticus 21:5 “They shall not make baldness upon their head, neither shall they shave off the corner of their beard nor make any cuttings in their flesh.” The visible sign of this vow is the Rastafarian’s dreadlocks.[34][35] Some Rastafari have concluded that Samson had dreadlocks, as suggested by the description stating that he had seven locks upon his head. Others interpret Samson’s “locks” to have been simple braids.

Additionally, the Rastafari are taught to abstain from alcohol in accordance with the nazirite vow. They have also adopted dietary laws derived from Leviticus, which accounts for some similarity to the prohibitions of the Jewish dietary law of Kashrut.

Follow Wikpedia link above for more info

So, where’s Jesus in this? I would think this is part of the Old Covenant and old ways having nothing to do with Jesus Christ and the New Covenant, the fulfillment of the old! So if we are going to call people to the nazirite vow, then let’s teach them to obey and fulfull all these requirements. We can’t just pick and choose. God takes our vows quite seriously! Like I mentioned in my previous post, if Lou is a Christian he will do well to turn from this practice and teach repentance and the true gospel, making disciples, not Nazirites!

A Word Against the Wilderness Outcry

A Word Against the Wilderness Outcry

Against the Outcry

The following is a comment I put up at the blog linked above. This is a group of people – Christians and Atheists who are against the upcoming Wilderness Outcry coming to their hometown in Missouri this June. The blog has linked some of my related articles to help get the word out. Please pray that the deceitful teachings of Dutch Sheets and Lou Engle be revealed to the people. Their false doctrines and silly ideas are damaging to the true faith!


We need to put this in its proper perspective. Dutch Sheets and Lou Engle are part of what is known as the NAR (New Apostolic Reformation) under the leadership of C Peter Wagner. They subscribe to the latter rain doctrine (Dominionism/Kingdom Now/Manifest Sons of God) which teaches that in the final days God will pour out His Spirit in a way that He never did in the past. They believe there will be an end time army of believers, taken from Joel 2 that will have supernatural ability never before experienced. Some of them will achieve a sinless state, embodying Christ Himself. It is complete heresy!! This is the driving force behind what is called Joel’s Army or Engle’s The Call, the Nazirites. They also believe God has called them to take dominion over the earth, in all 7 areas of influence, aka the 7 mountains – religion, entertainment, media, education, government, etc. They believe this can be achieved through these prayer/worship/fasting gatherings.

What their teachings and beliefs come down to is their own personal interpretations of scripture. They take the words of the bible out of context to support whatever dreams or visions or prophetic words they claim to have had. They throw out any regard to what the scriptures truly mean or who is being addressed, but use them for their own purposes. Much regard and importance is given to their own subjective supernatural experiences which is known as experienced-based theology, having no basis in the truth of the word of God. Their followers who trust and support them do so at their own detriment, but believe they are fulfilling the call of God and that they have been called to this service being forerunners or having special purpose or ability above that of a normal Christian. These movements are very dangerous, very deceptive. Once people become wrapped up it is very difficult to show them the truth.

I am a Christian. I believe in the word of God as it is written. These people, even tho they use the name of God and throw scripture around do not speak for true Christianity. It is very important for us to make that as clear as possible. They are liars and have their own plans and purposes aside from anything God has done, outside His will or purpose. All anyone has to do is to read the bible to find this out. It is not hard to see the lies.

Numbers do not have special purpose, nor are they ever used by God to communicate messages to His people. This is numerology and is used in the occult, a practice of divination forbidden to us by God. (Leviticus 19:26) To confirm this, scan the bible and see if God ever used numbers or a grouping of numbers to speak to people. You will find He did not. There are some who call themselves Christians yet teach numbers have meaning. (I know because I took their courses, only to find out the truth later.) And to multiply that number gives that meaning more emphasis. This is why the number 7 is expressed as 777, or 4 as 444, etc. A little research into numerology will confirm this as true. The bible was written without the numbering system as divided into chapters and verses. Man did that to make it easier to read, study and refer to. So the little scenario of 444 acres being Isaiah 44:4 is questionable since God didn’t use the numbering system anyway!!

This connection with Nazirites is part of the Old Covenant, having nothing to do with Christianity. It is old and should be put aside, not practiced or encouraged. Jesus Christ is the fulfillment of the Old Covenant and is the New Covenant. We call ourselves Christians because we follow Christ and His teachings and His ways. If we are to take on a vow of the Nazirite we need to be aware there is more to it than just the vow in itself. So, these followers may want to ask themselves if they are ready to follow ALL of the rules and requirements of a Nazirite because there’s more there than just getting caught up in the emotional moment and making a vow. (God takes vows seriously!) Again, this is like a buzz word, making Lou Engle look as tho he knows what he is talking about. He does not – otherwise he would teach all the requirements of a Nazirite. If he is truly a Christian he should take a closer look at what he is telling people because he is teaching them to do something other than what Christ does. In effect, he is causing a separation between Christ and His followers!

Being a Christian I must point out that upon salvation we are given the indwelling of the Holy Spirit who is Jesus Christ living with us, guiding, directing. The Holy Spirit is not a separate entity, but what is known as the third person – Father, Son, Holy Spirit. He reveals Jesus Christ. He has nothing of Himself for He is God. The Lord does not visit His people in special places. There are no longer places on earth set aside for worship or visitation. This was symbolized when Jesus was crucified and the curtain in the temple Holy of Holies was torn in two. It signified man now has access directly to God, not longer needing a priest or sacrifice to go before Him.

God treats all people as individuals and while we are called to pray we cannot repent on behalf of our nation and expect that will change things. It will not. Change will only happen when people recognize their need for a Savior, when they recognize Jesus Christ is the mediator, the one who came to reunite a sinful person with a Holy God. A God who loves us so much that He (Jesus) died for us. When we recognize this need and turn from our own selfish needs. we look to the needs of others, esteeming them more than ourselves, we can only truly love or care for another through the love of God Himself. The key aspect to anything we do is to preach the gospel. This other stuff is something other than true Christianity and I feel it of the utmost importance to show the difference as best I can. This world will continue it is sin and destruction until the return of Jesus Christ. Mankind will not change this nor will he ever be granted dominion in the way the NAR intends. They are far from the truth and must be exposed.

I have links to resources where much more information on these topics have been compiled in greater detail. I will be happy to supply them if you wish.

We are warned repeatedly in scripture of false teachers, prophets and doctrine, and that others will come in the name of Christ. This deception is very old. Please know there is a coming world leader who will take over control for a time. He will be political and religious and is known in the word as the antichrist. He will seem to be a man of peace, but only for a time. This is why it is of the utmost importance to know the difference between the true Christ and the imposter(s) and to be prepared.

The disasters on the earth happen because the earth itself is fallen. I do not believe this is God judging anyone yet. But that will come. These people who claim the storms and earthquakes, etc are judgments of God have no real way of knowing that with any certainty. To claim that we can come together and pray to avoid further devastation is an outright lie. Sheets is using fear to motivate others to follow him, manipulation is considered a form of witchcraft! It is enough to know that God allows the storms and disasters and there is no way of knowing if we will be included in the next one or not. Please be ready for what is to come on the earth.

Jesus said My Kingdom is not of this world – John 18:36
The promise and work of the Holy Spirit – John 14:26, 16:7-14
The purpose of Christ – John 3:16-17

Awakening or Just Wake Up?

The Awakening and Reformation Tour

Already in process:

Dutch Sheets and Lou Engle bringing the Awakening and Reformation Tour. Sounds like rock and roll to me – TOUR, or a little Rodney Howard Browne.

More taking the seven mountains of influence for the Kingdom of God

Revival and spiritual awakening is not enough. We must reform the seven mountains of our society and culture (family, religion, government, business, education, arts and entertainment, media). In light of this, awakening, reformation, and generational synergy to accomplish a greater goal must be joined. God has asked us to marry them in a series of public gatherings. That plan is now clearly defined and in place.

More twisting scripture to say something other than what it does to convince others to join in:

The Blog: The lord gave us a plan called the 747 Company. He showed us how in first Kings 18 He showed Elijah that there were 7,000 people that hadn’t bowed there knee to Ba’al. We believe that there are 7,000 people who will help us and support us as we go into many different cities in the nation and light fires of awakening and sow seeds of reformation. We are simply asking for 7,000 people to commit to giving 7 dollars a month in support of the Awakening and Reformation tour.  (I don’t see the connection between those who would not bow their knee to a false god and those who are willing to give cold hard cash to a cause.  By all means let’s use the number 7 to make it sound more divine and convincing!)

No one really knew that Jesus was on the scene when John started saying, “Repent, the kingdom of heaven is in your midst.” But God needed someone to announce it. And when we begin to announce and decree these things it does something in the realm of the spirit. It creates an atmosphere that allows God to do what He’s getting ready to do.

So now we need to create an atmosphere to ALLOW God to do what He wants.  More word of faith, speak -things – into- existence garbage repackaged again.

Does anyone really listen to these words to see if the Almighty would really speak them?  We don’t need an awakening. We need to kick these false teachers out of their kingdoms. Wake up, Wake up!

See also: kingdoms

No one really knew that Jesus was on the scene when John started saying, “Repent, the kingdom of heaven is in your midst.” But God needed someone to announce it. And when we begin to announce and decree these things it does something in the realm of the spirit. It creates an atmosphere that allows God to do what He’s getting ready to do.

Rallying to be Heard

I have a problem with these prayer rallies. I believe that we should pray. We are told to time and again in the word to pray without ceasing – 1 Thessalonians 5:17; to give ourselves continually to prayer Acts 6:4; Jesus prayed in John 17,; He taught His disciples to pray in Luke 11; two disciples prayed in the temple in Acts 3:1; Peter prayed on a house top Acts 10:9, and many more scriptures on prayer, the laying on of hands, prayers that healed, delivered and even raised the dead. But nothing that resembled the prayer rallies we see today.

Jesus told his disciples to pray in secret, to go in your room and shut the door, and not to be seen by men as they hypocrites do, or to use vain repetitions thinking the many words will get the prayer heard –  see Matthew 6:5-8

Additionally, I believe that fasting is biblical although I am not big on fasting. Not because I am not willing to part with my food, but because I just don’t get it. And all the teaching I’ve had and things I have read don’t help me to get it either. But, I will say that fasting, like prayer according to Jesus is done in secret and we don’t make a big display or even tell others that we are doing it –  see Matthew 6:16-18.

So why these big displays of prayer and fasting rallies held in large stadiums with lots of advertising and cries for support- a large following of people and a large cash flow to go along with it?  Are the prayers of these people heard by God? Or, it is just a display to control and manipulate thousands at a time towards an agenda of man? Usually there is a reason behind these rallies – to end abortion, to end homosexuality, to honor marriage between one man and one woman, judicial rulings in the courts, etc.

These issues have become so rampant in our society because they are life choices made by people who do not honor God or know Him. Prayer for the lost is one thing, but making different choices takes a change of heart  by each individual person in their own recognition of sin and need of forgiveness. In other words, the only thing that can change these choices is repentance. God is not going to suddenly rule over man and his choice to choose how to live. No amount of prayer will change that truth because it is of His own design. And that is a good thing. Because the moment God decides to stop giving us the freedom to choose is the moment He stops loving us.  God does not change and that is a very good thing too.

But again, there is more to the story, I think. These rallies are done by those who think they can change the world with their words, speaking the right things at the right time in accordance to what is viewed as “God’s will” or what God is doing in “this hour” because we are at a “pivotal moment in history that can be missed”.  Someone has “received the prophetic word” or the “mandate” from God “for such a time as this”.

You’ve heard me mention Dominionism/Kingdom Now and Word of Faith.  I think these people leading these rallies and those attending probably feel they are doing the right thing. But, they have a misguided sense of the issues of prayer and fasting and the coming last of the last days.  It could be that these leaders are so caught up in their mindsets of “doing” they have forgotten what the bible says in these areas. I don’t know the reasons for sure; only the Lord knows the condition of each heart. That is not for me to know or to decide on. So, I give them a little wiggle room  and I do pray for them to see the truth. However, what they do, regardless of why is still wrong nonetheless. And those who follow them share in their error – see 2 John 8-11.

We, as Christians, are not establishing a righteous kingdom of God here on earth.  Jesus will do that when He returns, and He will return in bodily form where every eye will see Him and every knee will bow in honor that Jesus is Lord. He will rule the earth as the Prince of Peace and Lord of Lords. He is the only one who can do these things.

We, as Christians, will not take on the embodiment and become a “corporate Christ”. I get yucky shivers even typing those words! This is the belief behind “Manifest Sons”.  There is not a “birthing” process taking place in the spirit realm to bring this about. The birth has already happened, long ago in a manger. His name is Jesus. He is the Messiah.

We, as Christians will not become “Joel’s Army”, nor is God raising up an army comprised of youth to do His will in the last days. This is a misconception of the verses in Joel 2 about an army of locusts. That scripture and the thoughts on a “Joel’s Army” have absolutely no relation one to the other. It is complete lie.

So there is my short little  run down on four movements going on in the church. They are heretical but very widely believed. I always like to read Matthew 24 and Revelation 21 and 22 when I wonder what is to happen.

I digressed slightly because all of these tie in to some points I have been making on my blog and some articles I am getting ready to write.  I see things going on that Christians are upset about.  And I have been upset right along with them, as you have. But my thinking in some things have changed and I have found myself looking more to the truth and in how Jesus handled things when He was here.

I started talking of prayer rallies. But I have also been wondering about the National Day of Prayer we have here in America and why that all came about. I also have been thinking of the Muslim Prayer going on Sept 25 that so many are upset over. But these are upcoming things to write about in the next few days. I hope you get a chance to come back and read them. I would love to hear your views too!

Until then, may the Lord protect and guide all that you do and grant you His wisdom! Maranatha! 🙂

A Call

You may first want to read the previous article Rallying To Be Heard as it prefaced what I am getting into now.

Yesterday I received an e-mail for a call to prayer sent by Lou Engle. If you aren’t familiar with him or his ministry you can find his website here  – TheCall.  I don’t receive e-mails from him directly, but this one was forwarded to me from someone else. (Someone who probably now wishes they hadn’t.)

Lou’s message bothered me on several counts. First of all, he came out of Promise Keepers and felt a “call” to begin setting up prayer rallies involving people, especially teenagers and young adults to fast and pray and then join together at these all day prayer rallies held all over the country. These seem more like the old testament way of a solemn assembly than they do a joining of new testament believers.

The previous article address the biblical reasons why I disagree with these ideas so I won’t rehash them. But to those issues I will add that it bothers me kids are always pulled into these things. Don’t get me wrong, I do believe they should be taught to fast and pray among other things – train up a child – however, I see this more as the responsibly of the parents, namely the fathers, than their children. It always seems men with agendas are after the youth, good or bad. Jesus called grown men to follow and to teach, not the kiddies. He didn’t call the women because we just naturally follow after Him, huh ladies?  Ok, kidding, kidding!

There is another issue I had with that e-mailed request. I do not understand why these people always seem to associate an event with a prophetic sign.  I did not understand that even when I was one of them. They believe every thing has a meaning and are very quick to find one and call it prophetic. How do they know, how can any of us know that what they say is the sign, truly is the sign. Blind faith in them?

Islamic Unity on Capitol Hill

Islamic Unity on Capitol Hill

Yes, on September 25 the dreaded Muslim, Islamic, “Jummah” day of prayer at the Capitol. We didn’t get our day of prayer, the National Day of Prayer, set aside and practiced by all presidents for decades past but this one! Just this one, Obama, who claims he is a Christian, who claims he prayed in private that day, who claims to go to a church, location private, who recognizes Muslim contributions  – and more – to our society – that president.

Our president, who had Rick Warren, “America’s Pastor” and claimed “Christian” pray at his Inauguration to   – Isa –  in the name of Isa of the Muslim religion, not the Christian Savior of the world. Now we have prayer Muslim prayer at the Capitol. Of course we do. (I’ve heard this is not the first time but I will agree that the Muslim influence seems to be growing in our country!)

Back to my point with Lou Engle who believes that the lack of support on our National Day and the support for the Islamic Day have some significance in what God is trying to bring to our country, and that the sign is a young, run-away teenager.

Here is a clip from the e-mail –

However, I believe in this moment of divine providence God has raised up on the stage of history a little “Esther” that if we pray and fast for her she could be a major voice to expose the dark under-belly of Islam and radiate a bright hope for a day of salvation for Muslims in America.

Oh, the last “Esther” we had, only last year, was Sarah Palin. Here’s the new one Rifqa Bary, a young 17-year-old woman


Jesus was the one raised up and that He is our hope! Not a person  – and I don’t care who says otherwise, he is wrong!

This convergence, I believe, is urgently summoning us in the midst of the rising tide of Islamic influence in America to recognize that our God is above every god and that if we return to Him with all of our hearts and call upon Him with fasting and prayer then God could use what the enemy meant for evil to bring about a great day of salvation for Muslims in America, of which Rifqa is but a major sign.

On Friday, September 25th, the Muslim Day of Prayer, we are calling the Church of America to fast and pray that Muslims would be moved by the Holy Spirit, convicted by the testimony of Christ, and even be visited by Jesus in dreams. We must pray that God would restrain the spiritual powers behind Islam and grant us the great awakening that we desperately need for America. Let us hear the call to prayer and not miss this moment.

Islam is here in America because we allow freedom of religion in this country.

Now, whatever that meant early on  – and most of us agree it was the freedom to practice Christianity – is not what it means today. We allowed people with different religions to come here in America and we have allowed them to practice those religions under what we claim is the freedom to do so. That is the reason we find ourselves in this situation. Not because we are in a catalyst moment due of the plight and the life of a young woman.

It is not enough that they themselves are elitists, but they will drag unsuspecting people right in there with them, give them a biblical name and mission to go right along with it.  And they always use the old testament and I find that so strange that they come in the name of the Lord, yet they leave out the emphasis of the new covenant in Jesus! And this, the wonderful story of Ester, they have twisted around to fit their purpose! If you read it, you will see what I am talking about.

(I totally sympathize with Rifqa’s situation and I will get to that in a different article. No one has the right to kill anyone else no matter who they call their “god”.) – <<UPDATE – See my comment #4>>

And, “great awakening” is again, the dominionist/kingdom now idea that there will be a great revival to come on the earth. The bible says there will be a great falling away.

But, there is more and this one really bothers me.  He said this –

and even be visited by Jesus in dreams

It sounds nice, even possible. After all, our God can do anything He wants, can’t He? He can make anything happen because He is God. But, does He?  Is this how He brings unbelievers to repentance by dream visits? Or when believers fast and pray because doing so removes the evil presence of the demonic hold (more dominionism). Because I thought salvation came through hearing the word (Romans 10:17) and by revelation and conviction of the Holy Spirit (John 16:8-9). I thought this was the reason we were told to preach the gospel (Luke 24:47, 2 Timothy 4:2). Speak it with words, not ask for dreams to do it for us.

I know from experience that it is very dangerous to ask or to expect God to work in a way that He has not designed. I know that this opens us to the demonic. This is why I am so upset at this kind of thing! We need to be very careful in what we teach others and what we ask or expect of God!

One more thing that I find interesting in all of this is the similarities between Rick Warren’s in the name of “Isa” prayer and the claims of dreams from the muslims of the man in white. When I first heard about these dreams some years ago I thought it was wonderful that Jesus was revealing Himself in dreams to these people. But, now, I know better. And just because it is a man in white, does not make him the Messiah. Remember, satan disguises himself as an angel of light!

Please, please, it is so easy to get all fired up and excited. But let’s be careful and make every effort to uphold Christ and the true ways taught in the bible over our emotional responses and fleshy expectations! Let’s be sober-minded!

And, yes, let’s do pray that the gospel of our Lord is preached to every muslim person in our country and that they would see the truth and repent. And maybe that means that we will be required to share our faith face to face with a muslim nearby. Let’s be ready!

Jesus is Lord!