1 John 4 How Well Are We Learning? –

Have you ever read another person’s words and thought to yourself “I could have written that”? Well, here we are…

This is all very reminiscent of when I was in the open, honest and upfront titled “new age ‘christian’ church”. Back in the day when Bethel was just a glimmer in satan’s eye. We too visited the graveyards and set the demons free all over the world. We did mighty works and did an amazing amount of what appeared to be ‘good works’, there were many miracles, signs and wonders. I witnessed cancer, hiv and unexplained illnesses cured. The majority of these were a temporary healing, since none of those we cast demons from actually repented of sin and turned their lives over to Jesus Christ. The demon was cast out and many more came back with it, to the empty house.

We (just like Bethelites) embraced the assistance of demons and considered it to be great fun. Those demons who masquerade as angels were more than willing to help find lost articles and give a word in an itchy ear. Honestly, some of those demons are quite ugly and smell horrible, just sayin’, that is when you see them in their true form.
All of this also brings to mind a quote I ran across recently from John G. Lake: His Life His Sermons, His Boldness of Faith, Kenneth Copeland Publications, 1995, p13: “It is not honoring to Jesus Christ that sickness should possess us. We do not want disease. We want to be gods”.
Yep, those silly new agers in denial are being taught very seductively that they too are gods. Which has been the satanic agenda ever since the real God threw that wanna be rascal right out of heaven. Unfortunately, Bethel simply denies their new age title and has become a leading force in the worship of a false jesus, also known as an antichrist.
I praise Yah many, many times a day for rescuing me and saving me from certain damnation. I was one messed up pup for years after the new age, who didn’t want to listen to reason from those regular Christians, who read the Bible faithfully and studied The Word. (It was pounded into my head that the Bible could not be trusted as the actual Word of God, since it was written and rewritten many times over by mere humans) When I came to my senses, via an ‘enlightenment’ and walked away from that nacc, my family fell under massive attack from the forces of evil. I was pushed down the stairs twice, in the dark sides effort to shut me up and keep me from talking.

The last time was just a little over a year ago when I began speaking out in my word of faith/charismatic church concerning the similarities of what I walked out of years ago and what I was witnessing in the church through the teachings of Randy Clark and Bill Johnson (supernatural schools). However, today I shout hallelujah, for my God is faithful. It has been a very long journey of healing, which at this point God has turned to his highest good by delivering to me ample time to read and study His Word. I am so grateful that my Father has lovingly guided me into His truth, which abides in Scripture.
If the people that are seeing and interacting with these so-called angels would test the spirits as written in 1John 4, and become brutally honest with themselves they just might be blessed with seeing exactly who is the driving force behind these teachings that are leading them in the direction of the wide gate. (I would advise here to be very careful what you ask for, you might just get it).

Today, I find that I truly feel sorry for the Johnson’s, and the Clark’s (as well as many others) who have been lead astray. Especially though, I pray that my ‘sisters’ would become bold enough to ask in the name of Jesus Christ that they be shown God’s Absolute Truth of the signs and wonders they are chasing. The Lord must have had a really great plan, until they fell into the trap. And yes, it truly is a trap of massive proportions.


a moment for celebration

As for me, I will call upon God; and the LORD shall save me. Psalm 55:16

Today is my 5th year anniversary celebrating my resignation from healing rooms on October 31, 2008.

It was the first solid step I took in walking away from the deception. Just wanted to take a moment and honor that before God and with my readers. I had no idea that road would lead me here.

The Lord is mighty to save. Praise His Name!

Escape the Lie, An Interview

Looky what just “escaped” from the internet:

Escape From Bethel


The website containing my interview is no longer in operation. Just “poof” and it is no longer there, along with the contact e-mail. Not sure if it will be available. Just will wait and see. Sorry all.

Here is the audio of an interview I did this morning exposing the trap and darkness of “Bethel”.

Pass it on.

A former “Seer Prophet” tells her story and helps to expose the false teachings of Bill Johnson, Todd Bentley, John Paul Jackson and others. The Healing Rooms and Word of Faith ministries

It has been brought to my attention that his other site supports AA and 12 Stepping, Celebrate Recovery. I understand these practices to not be of God and I am not condoning or supporting them in any way. I believe Christ is enough. You will find links of supporting information against these programs from My Word Like Fire in the comments section for more info on these topics. It is only my intention, as it has been since the beginning of my blogging days, to support Christianity in it’s true form, as found written in the word of God.

Inner Healing – Christian or Occult?

Having been trained as a SOZO minister I know the dangers it presents first hand. The following is a well written article which relates to SOZO (Christianized inner healing with no basis in scripture.) 

I know there are many of you out there with questions and concerns. I hope this helps shed some light on its origins and why we need to stay away. Christ is sufficient for all our needs. Every one of them.

Inner Healing/Healing of Memories

Christian or Occult?*

–  Healing of the memories, or inner healing, or healing of the emotions has its roots in the teachings of anti-Christian and occultist, Agnes Sanford. It was carried on after her death by those she influenced, such as lay therapists Ruth Carter Stapleton (deceased sister of Jimmy Carter), Rosalind Rinker, John and Paula Sandford (currently of Elijah House, a demon-deliverance and memory healing center in Port Falls, Idaho), William Vaswig (of Renovaré fame), Rita Bennett, and others. John Wimber, David Yonggi Cho, Robert Schuller, and Norman Vincent Peale are some of the well-known pop psychological practitioners of inner healing, but it has spread widely in so- called evangelical circles in a more sophisticated form through such “Christian” psychologists as David Seamands, H. Norman Wright, and James G. Friesen, as well as a number of lay therapists like Fred and Florence Littauer. (Two of David Seamand’s books, Healing for Damaged Emotions and Healing of Memories, are considered the “inner-healer’s bibles” in today’s psychologically-oriented pulpits.)

Inner healing therapies are offshoots of Freudian and Jungian theories rooted in the occult. They have destructively impacted secular society for decades and are now taking their devastating toll within the professing Church. A variety of “memory-healing” psychotherapies are masquerading under Christian terminology and turning Christians from God to self. Among the most deadly are “regressive” therapies designed to probe the “unconscious” for buried memories which are allegedly causing everything from depression to fits of anger and sexual misconduct, and must, therefore, be uncovered and “healed.”

–  The basic teaching of inner healing is the theory that salvation or healing comes through the uprooting of negative memories or “hurts” caused by others in early childhood that are supposedly buried in the “subconscious” from where they tend to dictate our behavior without us even knowing it. Thus, the blame for one’s bad behavior (a.k.a. “emotional problems”) in the present is placed upon others (who are perceived to have sinned against us in the past) rather than upon ourselves where it belongs (cf. Ezekiel 18). In order to “heal” these “diseased memories,” the occultic technique of visualization (which is in reality a type of sorcery or divination which has been used by shamans, witchdoctors, and sorcerers for thousands of years, and is specifically forbid by the Bible) is frequently used to recreate the distressful childhood scene, “image” Jesus (if one is a professing Christian), bringing Him into the past situation as a “spirit guide”/”healing agent,” and then causing Him to sanctify the event, forgive the person who supposedly caused the hurt, and in most cases, even alter the reality of the situation in the subject’s mind, all so that the subject might be “delivered” from the “crippling emotional pain” associated with the past negative experience that supposedly “diseased memory” in the first place. (Charismatic Roman Catholic memory-healers employ the same techniques, but generally substitute Mary for Jesus as the “healing agent” whom the subject meets in the fantasy.)

–  One of the seemingly attractive forms of inner healing is to have Jesus enter a painful scene from the past. The inner-healer helps the person recreate the memory by having Jesus do or say things that will make the person feel better about the situation. For instance, if a man’s dad had neglected him when he was a boy, an inner-healer may help that man create a new memory of Jesus having played baseball with him when he was a boy. Through verbal encouragement, he would regress him back to his childhood and encourage him to visualize Jesus pitching the ball and praising him for hitting a home run. Some inner-healers regress people back to the womb and lead them through “rebirthing” by guided imagery and imagination. Thus, through these psychoanalytic/occult techniques, inner-healers should not be surprised at the possibility of actually altering or enhancing the memory in their zeal to replace bad memories with good memories. Inner-healers are always in danger of unwittingly enhancing or engrafting memories through words or actions that mean one thing to the inner-healer, but may communicate something else entirely to the highly vulnerable subject.

–  Inner healing is based upon the implication that we clearly need something more than God’s love and forgiveness in order to love and forgive others who are perceived to have wronged us in the past. Since the Bible distinctly teaches that Jesus can never be called-up and forced to “perform” at our command, any “Jesus” actually visualized would have to be a demon spirit and not of God. Of course, that is precisely the danger of the occult technique of visualization — subjects are being taught to experiment with things that God has repeatedly condemned in both the Old and New Testaments alike, not because the phenomena visualized (i.e. “spirit guides”) are not real, but rather because they are produced by demons determined to lead one into the worship of other gods and ultimate destruction (Deut. 13 ff.). The Bible repeatedly warns against becoming involved with the occult on any level, because of what the Bible identifies as “spirits of demons working signs” for the purpose of deceiving the whole world (Rev. 16:14; cf. 13:14). This exposure to the occult, however unintentional and innocent, could easily lead the undiscerning into far more serious spiritual or “emotional” problems than they ever dreamed possible. Unfortunately, the research is replete with such cases of demonic/occultic influence experienced by first-time dabblers.

–  Inner healing practices of regressing into the past, fossicking about in the unconscious for hidden memories, conjuring up images, acting out fantasies and nightmares, and believing lies, all resemble the world of the occult, not the work of the Holy Spirit. An imaginary memory created under a highly suggestible, hypnotic-like state will only bring imaginary healing. It may also plunge people into a living nightmare.

What is being taught as inner healing/healing of memories is nothing but basic sorcery, which is an attempt to manipulate reality in the past, present, or future, and denies God’s omnipotence by implying that He needs our “creative visualization” in order to apply effectively His forgiveness and healing, while simultaneously, sets us up as gods who can, through prescribed rituals, use Him and His power as our tools. In fact, inner healing/healing of memories is nothing but “Christianized psychoanalysis” that uses the power of suggestion to solve so-called problems, which the technique itself has many times created.

–  The Bible has much to say concerning the healing of memories (besides condemning its methodologies). The Bible clearly teaches that moral choices rather than past traumas determine our current condition and actions, and thereby, our responsibility; the Bible has always taught that it is not the act in the past but how one reacts to the act that determines “which soul has sinned” (Ezekiel 18 again). Since there is no Biblical evidence that any prophet, priest, or apostle ever dealt with anything remotely related to buried or repressed emotions or memories, then shouldn’t one question why this is so if inner healing is the big truth that its practitioners say it is?

–  If prayer and Bible study and the power of the Holy Spirit are not enough for saints today to deal with life and problems, then the saints of old, including the apostle Paul, must have been greatly lacking. Despite his many hardships described in Scripture, Paul was able to function and rejoice in the Lord without the help of psychoanalysis. Paul forgot the past and pressed on toward the prize (Phil. 3:13-14) promised to all those who love Christ’s appearing (2 Tim 4:7-8).

Likewise, throughout Church history Christians have managed the same when they should have been at a great disadvantage without the “insights” of modern psychology. It is a dangerous heresy to insist that we must accept this new “revelation” by psychologists or live deficient lives. The past is of little consequence if Christians truly are new creations for whom “old things are passed away [and] all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). Searching the past in order to find an “explanation” for one’s present behavior conflicts with the entire teaching of Scripture. Though it may seem to help for a time, it actually robs one of the Biblical solution through Christ. What matters is not the past, but one’s personal relationship to Christ now.

–  The people who are most vulnerable to inner-healers are those who are at a low point in their spiritual walk or who are experiencing difficult circumstances. The inner-healers entice through all kinds of direct and implied promises for healing damaged emotions, healing roots in the past that prevent personal growth, and enabling a person to have a closer walk with God. They circle about congregations like vultures, waiting for the opportunity to swoop down on those who are near to dropping from “spiritual exhaustion.” They assure their prospective victims of their sincere desire to help and they communicate a Biblical facade by using butchered Bible verses and Christian-sounding conversation. However, once their talons pierce the person, a penetrating parasitic process begins. And the host/parasite relationship continues as long as the host continues to look to the inner-healer to make him emotionally well and spiritually whole.

– Instead of being healed, there is a very strong possibility that the recipients of inner healing are now living on the basis of a lie from the pit of hell. Inner healing is not based upon truth. It is based upon faulty memory, guided imagery, fantasy, visualization, and hypnotic-like suggestibility. And, while the inner-healers may conjure up a “Jesus” and recite Bible verses, such inner healing is not Biblical. Jesus said, “If ye continue in My Word, then are ye My disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free” (Jn. 8:31-32).

Moreover, inner healing is insulting to God when the “healers” attempt to take away His power to bless “emotionally-distressed” people simply in response to their repentance and prayers. It is extra-Biblical, blasphemous, and carnal in its visualization and manipulation of the Son of God. It is dangerous in the way it forces people into childish self-interest, subjectivism, and emotionalism. And it is wickedly presumptuous in its priestly bestowing of forgiveness and assurance.

* Major portions of this report were adapted from: (a) the Fall 1989 issue of PsychoHeresy Update (now the PsychoHeresy Awareness Letter), (b) the 2/93 issue of The Berean Call, (c) two articles in the September 1990, Media Spotlight Special Report entitled “Latter- Day Prophets: The Restoration of Apostles and Prophets and the Kansas City-Vineyard Connection” and “Testing the Fruit of the Vineyard,” and (d) the books The Seduction of Christianity, Beyond Seduction, and The Healing Epidemic.

Biblical Discernment Ministries – 5/94

Information on SOZO

With all that is taking place between Bethel, International Association of Healing Rooms and the ongoing healing ministries/ministers who think they have a special gift of healing –  this new research site on SOZO is going up.

Pass it along!

Bethel SOZO Research Group

A Sobering Look at Faith Healers

The following article was written by Bud Press as a comment to one of my readers. I felt the information he provided to be of great value in the need for sober thinking and study regarding those who come as “anointed” healers and prophets in the name of the Lord. It is indeed a growing sign of the times we have been warned about in advance.

Lucifer (who became Satan), is a created being and a former anointed cherubim angel. Prior to his fall, he was convinced he could “raise his throne above the stars of God” and make himself “like the Most High.” But his hopes of ruling over Almighty God and the universe was only a pipe dream. God clearly demonstrated Who was in charge and booted Lucifer and one-third of the angels out of heaven (Ezekiel chapter 28; Genesis chapter 3; Isaiah chapter 14; Revelation chapter 12).

Currently, Satan is the “prince of the power of the air,” who roams the earth like a roaring lion, seeking to kill and destroy (Ephesians 2:2; 1 Peter 5:8). His future is doomed: “And the devil who deceived them was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are also; and they will be tormented day and night forever and ever” (Revelation 20:10).

Now, there is only one God, who exists as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Again, God created Lucifer, who became Satan. Satan is not omnipotent (all- powerful), omnipresent (everywhere at one time), or omnicient (all-knowing). Only God has those attributes.

Satan is evil and wickedness personified (study John chapter 8). He hates God and His creation. As a created being, he and his demons do not have the power to heal, nor do they have the power to create. Also, heavenly angels do not have the power to heal or create.

Satan does, however, perform “lying wonders” and phoney miracles. Think of him as a master magician, who plays mind games on his audience, and uses trickery and slight-of-hand to make things appear and disappear. Satan works through false prophets and false teachers to accomplish his goals. He is the master deceiver.

Consider this: If Satan could heal, why are so many faith healers being exposed for false healings? Why are the sick and dying leaving the “healing” crusades the same way the came in? Why do faith healers make excuses when amputated arms and legs aren’t restored, or when children suffering from crippling diseases are still confined to wheelchairs?

If Satan could heal, he would be a great benefit to faith healers, false prophets, and false teachers. As such, many more people would be drawn into Satan’s web of deception.

When Jesus returns, every believer will be healed and transformed (1 Corinthians chapter 15; Romans chapter 8). Until then, pay no attention to people who claim to be “prophets of God”. Deuteronomy 18:19-22 teaches us not to be afraid of false prophets (study Ephesians chapter 5; Romans chapter 16; and Acts 20:27-31).

As for those who claim to be healed from all sorts of debilitations, diseases, and illnesses, let me just say that pain is real. When doctors give up hope, sometimes those in pain become desperate, and seek other ways to relieve their pain. Sometimes, they turn to faith healers, who welcome them with open arms, and provide “hope” and promises to be healed.

But, feelings, emotions, and anticipation are real too. Ask anyone who suffers from pain if they would like to be healed, and they will shout “YES!” And, if they are made to think they can be healed, then the faith healer’s scam is almost complete (the following articles will help you understand the mind-set of a faith healer, and what God says about false prophets):



Keep in mind that adrenaline flowing through a person’s body plays a role in how they perceive things. For example, when a person in pain attends a “healing” crusade, their feelings, emotions, anticipation, and excitement of being healed causes adrenaline to flow, which generally provides temporary relief from pain.

Soldiers who have been wounded in combat do extraordinary things. Small people are able to lift heavy weights. People with legitimate physical problems are able to run and jump up-and-down. Adrenaline, coupled with feelings, emotions, and anticipation can cause the sick and dying to think and feel that they have been healed. But it is only temporary. When the crusade is over, and when the excitement has calmed down, the adrenaline stops flowing. It is then when the sick and dying realize they haven’t been healed.

Sadly, when faith healers say (or imply) that the sick and dying are healed, many stop taking their medicine and cancel their doctors’ appointments. They placed their faith in the faith healer. And, many paid the ultimate price.

Finally, what looks legitimate on the outside may be fake and deadly on the inside. Pray for those who are deceived, but stay away from them, or you will be drawn into their web of deception and turned away from the true and living God. I have seen it happen many times.

Erin, study your Bible, and never be afraid to ask questions. Stay close to those who care about you and your spiritual welfare. They will help you grow as a Christian.

God bless,
Bud Press

Bethel and IAHR Connection

I have often referred to the connection between Bethel (Bill Johnson) and the International Association of Healing Rooms (Cal Pierce). Following is a letter posted at ibethel regarding that connection.  Please continue to pray for those who are caught up in the deception of these two organizations. I came out of it; others can too! – 2 Timothy 2:26

Dear Global Legacy friends,

As a consorted effort to bring clarity to the body, we, the Healing Rooms Department at Bethel, are informing our network of friends and family about some confusion that has been brought to our attention. Many guests have come through our doors without and awareness of our membership in the International Association of Healing Rooms. We apologize for not communicating this effectively and are taking appropriate measures to do so now.

While we look different than most, the Healing Rooms at Bethel have been a registered member of IAHR since our inception in 2005. The difference in our format and set-up are due largely to the distinctive demands of Bethel Church and the number of people we minister to on any given Saturday. As we have developed, we remain in close partnership with IAHR and are committed to the core values and excellence of the association. The interactive flow of experiences including live worship music, dancing, soaking, prophetic painting and art, have been part of our endeavor to facilitate the unique growth within our church environment while lovingly and effectively ministering to each and every individual.

We live in an exciting time where the works of Jesus are increasingly being displayed by His Body around the world. The Healing Rooms movement is a vital part of training and equipping the Saints to do the work of the ministry, and we are privileged to be one of the thousands of Healing Rooms established around the globe! It is our vision and dream to create a place where the Presence of Jesus the Healer is abiding, where people get healed before we have the opportunity to lay hands on them, and where each moment of time spent here is a moment experiencing His fullness. (emphasis mine)

We pray that your visitations with us in the past and in the future are full of His joy and freedom and that He does exceedingly beyond what any of us could think or imagine! If you would like more information on starting a Healing Rooms ministry, please contact Elaine Perkins, International Associate Director of the International Association of Healing Rooms in Spokane, Washington at birthing@healingrooms.com and for more information on the Healing Rooms at Bethel, feel free to contact the Administrator at christinaw@ibethel.org.

In The Fullness of His Presence,

Bethel Healing Rooms Leadership

A Note re: SOZO

The following is a comment I placed on Craig’s blog regarding sozo. I wanted to share it here just to reiterate the truth –

I was trained as a sozo minister under a local prayer and healing room that I had been a part of for several years. I administered this process to a number of people and I also went through my own sessions. I can attest these sessions can be quite powerful. I also underwent another type of prayer taught at Bethel, but the name escapes me, which was every bit as powerful as sozo.

I was amazed at the amount of visions which occurred during these sessions, and the presence of that spirit that even invaded my dreams and thoughts during the days surrounding these sessions – the messages that came so quickly that I could barely write them out, often resorting to sketching – a new thing for me – in that effort to capture all that truth being revealed. This was often the occurrence whether it be my own sessions or that of another person I got these messages and visions! We were in awe of the power!

Stand back and look! Look to the word. Because in all its power, in all those visitations and visions we will never find this process defined for us in the bible. We will never find an example or story or teaching that requires us to visit our past or find a root for our troubles.

We are told to repent, to forgive and not to look back.

This is how we can tell if this procedure or any is from God – is it in the bible??? Pretty simple isn’t it?

Sozo is a practice from what we can term as New Age, it is found in pagan circles, it is found in those who practice visualization techniques that were so popular in pop psychology of the 90′s.
However, it is never taught nor practiced by Jesus or His disciples in the word of God. Once we shake off that sugar-coating and stop making excuses we see the truth. Sozo is a dangerous practice that should never be attempted by any Christian and that goes for any and all of these healing methods.

Sozo is a great example for Colossians 2:8 Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.

Sozo participants – you have indeed been cheated from the truth and freedom found only in Christ Jesus through His death and resurrection in which he claimed – “It is finished!”

Repent and be restored!

Truth About the NAR

If you aren’t familiar with the New Apostolic Reformation, aka NAR, here are some links to give you some good information on who they are, how they started and what they believe. Forget about reading beliefs pages on their individual web sites. You will not find truth there. You will find it in their teachings and these great links! These men and women come in the name of Christ but are far from Him!

The main NAR members I expose here on my blog are –

Cal Pierce – International Association of Healing Rooms

Chuck Pierce (no relation that I am aware of)   – Glory of Zion

Dutch Sheets – Dutch Sheets Ministries

Cindy Jacobs  – Generals of Intercession

Bill Johnson and Rick Joyner are considered NAR by some, although not affiliated with Wagner that I can tell. (I don’t get into Joyner much and the only reason I mention him is due to his close relationship with, and restoration of Todd Bentley. They have the same teachings from the Latter Rain Movement, Word of Faith, Kingdom Now/Dominionism and Manifest Sons of God.

New Apostolic Reformation This is the index page for a series of articles on the Apostolic Movement or, as C. Peter Wagner, self-proclaimed “apostle” calls it, “The New Apostolic Reformation”.  “The most dangerous purveyors of deception are today’s restored apostles and prophets.  Why?  Because they purport to speak for our Lord and they claim to hold the greatest authority over the direction of the Church and the lives of God’s people. These apostles & prophets are the people that the majority of the other leaders in the charismatic movement look to for new insights, revelation, and vision for the future of the Church.

International Coalition of Apostles – As of 2/2010 current list of apostles (NAR members) under C. Peter Wagner

The Roots and Fruits of the NAR – Critical Issues Commentary -This article explores the idea of apostles in the church throughout church history. In it I will show that the restoration/Latter Rain idea that fuels the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) is unbiblical and dangerous to the well-being of Christians who become part of it. First we will review how the early church understood apostles in church history. Then we will examine the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching about apostolic authority. From there we will examine the ideas of a 17th-century mystic given new life in the Latter Rain movement, and now the NAR.

Truthfully, there’s tons of information out there, but this will get you going in the right direction – at least. 🙂

Be blessed as you read the truth!

Faith Healing Casualty

Parents Jeffrey and Marci Beagley of Oregon sentenced to serve time in connection with son’s death!

OREGON CITY — Clackamas County Circuit Court Judge Steven Maurer sentenced Jeffrey and Marci Beagley to 16 months in prison this afternoon, calling the couple’s decision to not seek medical care for their 16-year-old son, Neil Beagley, “a crime that was a product of an unwillingness to respect the boundaries of freedom of religious expression”.

Who wants to end up this way? Is it enough to suffer the death of a beloved child and then to be found guilty in that death? I cannot imagine the pain, the guilt and suffering they will face in the months and years to come. Certainly, my heart goes out to them. What a horrific price to pay to find out too late the scriptural truth taught in excesses by these word of faith “healers” do not work.

Another warning to pay attention to what we are taught and who and what we allow ourselves to believe in. Jesus healed all who He laid hands on to show He is God. And tho He still heals through prayer and His sovereign will, He does not heal everyone. We aren’t given reasons for that. God’s ways are not our own. Anyone coming with a solution or a reason that a healing does not “manifest” (a lack of faith or lack of enough faith, failure to realize a true ability to be healed, healing is a right given to us, sickness and disease is a curse that needs to be broken, etc.)  is a liar before God.

It is a very good thing to have the medical care that we have in the US. It is pure ignorance and stupidity taught by these word of faith healers that we or our loved ones only need to “believe” and we will never need a doctor’s help. We are NOT promised divine health and healing at salvation.

Believe this – those who teach these lies of divine health go to doctors and dentists, wear glasses, take medication for their high blood pressure or insulin for their diabetes. They have all kinds of medical procedures done to them and their loved ones. One day they will all die as their bodies wear out.  Before that they will suffer various end life ailments and even wear corrective eye lenses and hearing aides. Many of them will die of illness or incurable disease. And even before their own death comes many would have lived lives of luxury from all those believers who gladly paid them to perform or to teach them such miracles. But, die they will. And guess why? Because sin equals physical death for us all and there is no getting around it. Romans 6:23

Again, if you or someone you love is involved in a healing ministry, if you are being taught in a church or para church organization that divine healing is yours, you are following a false teacher. Get out from them and into the word. Get the focus off the illness and on to God for His will in your life.

This situation or one similar can happen to any of us who are untaught and unstable in the word of God.